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Citywide Baptist Church

Sent like Jesus

Sent like Jesus

As we start a new series of messages focussing on the teaching of Jesus, we discover what it means to be sent

Locations & Times

Citywide Baptist Church (Mornington)

400 Cambridge Rd, Mornington TAS 7018, Australia

Sunday 10:00 AM

In 2019 we began a journey in the gospel of Matthew that we called "the Jesus revolution".

In 2022 we are coming back to that journey to allow ourselves to be taught by Jesus through his remaining four sermons.

Overview of the first half of Matthew

from the bible project
As Jesus travelled around teaching and healing he saw the incredible need and it provoked compassion in him, which drove him to prayer.

Mentimeter Live Survey

What causes you to feel compassion?
The NIV dropped out the first word in verse 1, which is "and".

It's tempting to want God to fix everything, but as we pray we discover that God invites us to be part of the process of redemption.

Jesus followers were to to be the answer to the prayer provoked by compassion then and now.
“Twelve” has obvious salvation-historical significance. The number corresponds to the twelve patriarchs of Israel, the sons of Jacob, from whom the tribes of Israel descended. The twelve disciples symbolize the continuity of salvation history in God’s program as Jesus sends them out to proclaim to the lost sheep of the house of Israel that the kingdom of heaven has arrived

- NIV Application Commentary
Matthew organises the disciples in pairs, which corresponds with Mark 6:7.

Within the Twelve is a recognizable division into three groups of four. The first name in each group remains the same in all the lists (the first, fifth, and ninth place is occupied, respectively, by Peter, Philip, and James of Alphaeus). The order of the rest of the names varies. The sequence of the groups is the same in each list. This grouping suggests that the Twelve were organized into smaller units, each with a leader. - NIV Application Commentary

We are sent, but we are sent in fellowship. We are not meant to be lone rangers. That is why we try to encourage you to find a Kingdom Cell.
The disciples discover that they have been doing an Apprenticeship, and now it is their turn to do what they have seen their master doing.
The same authority that characterized Jesus’ ministry in chapters 8-9 is now given to the Twelve. Like Jesus, this authority enables them to drive out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and sickness (10:1; cf. 4:23; 9:35). All that the Twelve will accomplish is based on their having received Jesus’ authority.

- NIV Application Commentary
Part of our task, in addition to proclaiming the Kingdom is to do the practical work of healing disease and defeating darkness.

There are lots of implications of this, one of which is that we need to continually be praying for God's healing for people.

Prayer after the service and on Wednesday lunchtime.

The Message translation brings home what it means to be sent
"Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood."

Look again at your response to the discussion.

A central question of stepping into the full life that God has for you is knowing who you are sent to.

Where are you sent to? Do you know?
What do we have to be aware of as we are sent?
It's not about the program or the budget. You are the equipment.
The central way you change the world is through relationship.
Look for the people God is already at work in. Changing people's hearts is not your job.
Small Group Questions:

1) What are the things that cause compassion to rise in you?

2) Do you believe you are sent by God? Where are you sent? To whom?

3) Who are the lost, confused people in your neighbourhood?

4) How do you feel about the idea that its not about programs or budgets but about you being the equipment? What does that mean for you?

5) What does it mean for you to not worry when people disagree with you but to shrug your shoulders and move on? Have there been times when you weren't able to do that? talk about it.