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Revolution Church

March 6, 2022 Group / Personal Study Guide

March 6, 2022 Group / Personal Study Guide

Use this simple study guide to help you dig deeper into the weekend message with your family, your small group, or even act as a guide during your own personal quiet time with God. Grab your Bible or Bible App and a journal and write down what God puts on your heart!

Locations & Times

Revolution Church

9360 Corporate Dr #106, Selma, TX 78154, USA

Sunday 6:00 PM

In your home, what do you hunger for?

Legalistic Christianity never works.

Lukewarm Christianity never works.
What does work? A Christ-centered home.
To create hunger for God in your home:
1. Involve God in daily conversation.
2. Make church non-negotiable.
3. Make seeking and serving God exciting and fun.
Talk About It
• What's one idea from the message that really stood out to you? Why did this idea grab your attention?
• Based on how you currently spend your time and resources, what does your home hunger for? Share.
• How have you seen legalistic or lukewarm Christianity in your family? How has that affected your family? Share.
• Are you involving God in your daily conversations with your family? Why or why not? Share.
• What steps might you need to take to create a stronger hunger for God in your home? Share.
Be bold and pray with power.
Father God, thank you for guiding me and my family. Thank you for your perfect design. I trust that your Word will help me lead my family forward. Jesus, help me to have a Christ-centered home by creating a hunger for God in my family. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!
Start Doing
Commit to take a bold step of faith this week
• During your quiet time this week, pray for Jesus to open your eyes to legalistic Christianity and lukewarm Christianity in your home.
• Throughout this week, involve God in daily conversation in your home.
• Have you attended Grow Track? If not, click this link to register for Grow Track in person, or take Grow Track on Demand: