The Bridge Church

Radical Generosity
February 27, 2022
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Core Value: We Live Generously
1. A Unified Community
2. A Radically Generous Community
Radical generosity is a response to God’s generosity
3. A Grace-Filled Community
“Giving is not something we do, but something we are. Giving is a way of life for the Christian who understands the grace of God”
– Warren Wiersbe
– Warren Wiersbe
Generosity has a ripple effect
1. Stay In – I’m continuing to follow through on my original commitment
2. Step Up – I’m increasing my original commitment
3. Start Up – I’m making a brand-new commitment
2. Step Up – I’m increasing my original commitment
3. Start Up – I’m making a brand-new commitment
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized on April 3
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized on April 3
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
Dig Deeper
1. 1. What’s the difference between Christian unity and uniformity?
2. What does a culture of encouragement look like?
3. What would it take for an outsider to define your church as a “really encouraging place”?
Does a culture of encouragement produce people of encouragement or do encouraging people to produce a culture of encouragement?
How was Barnabas encouraging in our passage and throughout Acts? What can we learn from him?
6. Have you found it to be easy, difficult, or somewhere in-between to form real friendships at your church? What’s one step you can take to develop real friendship in your church community?
7. What do you spend the most time doing? Is this also the thing you enjoy doing the most? Analyze how the use of your time matches up to what you love doing most.
8. What keeps people from being radically generous?
Share a story of how someone else’s generosity encouraged you. Have you had the chance to be generous too? Share a time when you tried to be generous to encourage the group.
10. In what ways have you seen others practice generosity in our congregation? Explain the impact of such giving.
11. How is the concept of grace tied to generosity?
12. What does the resurrection have to do with generosity?
13. What does it look like for you to create a culture of encouragement at your workplace or your school, or wherever you spend most of your time?
14. Identify a person in need who could use your help this week and choose to act generously.
15. At The Bridge Church, one of our values is to live generously by being contributors, not consumers. We know God has called us to live generously by sharing our time, talents, and resources to further his kingdom. We believe the church does not exist for us; we are the Church and we exist to serve others like Jesus. How does this week’s message of unity, generosity, and encouragement play a part in this specific value of The Bridge Church?
16. As a church family, we are making our commitment toward the future of The Bridge Church through the Forward Initiative. What has God revealed to you during this season? In what ways are you most relying on the Holy Spirit to guide you during this time?
Reading Plan
Monday – Acts 4:32-37
Tuesday – Acts 20:35; 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Wednesday – 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11; Isaiah 40:31
Thursday – 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
Friday – Luke 21:1-4
Saturday – 2 Corinthians 9:5-7
Suggested Resources
“Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Acts,” Tony Merida
“The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Acts: Put Your Faith Where the Action Is,” Warren W. Wiersbe
1. 1. What’s the difference between Christian unity and uniformity?
2. What does a culture of encouragement look like?
3. What would it take for an outsider to define your church as a “really encouraging place”?
Does a culture of encouragement produce people of encouragement or do encouraging people to produce a culture of encouragement?
How was Barnabas encouraging in our passage and throughout Acts? What can we learn from him?
6. Have you found it to be easy, difficult, or somewhere in-between to form real friendships at your church? What’s one step you can take to develop real friendship in your church community?
7. What do you spend the most time doing? Is this also the thing you enjoy doing the most? Analyze how the use of your time matches up to what you love doing most.
8. What keeps people from being radically generous?
Share a story of how someone else’s generosity encouraged you. Have you had the chance to be generous too? Share a time when you tried to be generous to encourage the group.
10. In what ways have you seen others practice generosity in our congregation? Explain the impact of such giving.
11. How is the concept of grace tied to generosity?
12. What does the resurrection have to do with generosity?
13. What does it look like for you to create a culture of encouragement at your workplace or your school, or wherever you spend most of your time?
14. Identify a person in need who could use your help this week and choose to act generously.
15. At The Bridge Church, one of our values is to live generously by being contributors, not consumers. We know God has called us to live generously by sharing our time, talents, and resources to further his kingdom. We believe the church does not exist for us; we are the Church and we exist to serve others like Jesus. How does this week’s message of unity, generosity, and encouragement play a part in this specific value of The Bridge Church?
16. As a church family, we are making our commitment toward the future of The Bridge Church through the Forward Initiative. What has God revealed to you during this season? In what ways are you most relying on the Holy Spirit to guide you during this time?
Reading Plan
Monday – Acts 4:32-37
Tuesday – Acts 20:35; 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Wednesday – 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11; Isaiah 40:31
Thursday – 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
Friday – Luke 21:1-4
Saturday – 2 Corinthians 9:5-7
Suggested Resources
“Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Acts,” Tony Merida
“The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Acts: Put Your Faith Where the Action Is,” Warren W. Wiersbe