Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
I John 5:1-5
The Birthmarks Of A Believer
1. A ‘birthmark’ is a mark left on a child at birth.
2. Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah is born of God.
3. Are you born of God? What are the birthmarks of one who is ‘born of God’?
What are the birthmarks of one who is born of God?
Love is agape love. God is the source. God is love. Love is self-giving that looks for
nothing in return. For God so loved the world…. (John 3:16) This love becomes mine upon
A.Love The Father
Everyone that loves Him that begot (birthed) (gave birth)
1.Upon receiving Jesus Christ, God becomes your Father. He begot you…conceived, delivered…to bring forth.
2.He is now your heavenly Father and you will love Him!
3.As His children there will be family traits, characteristics. The Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, self-control.
4.With this self-giving love…It’s not about me. It’s all about Him!
B.Love The Family
Loves him also that is begotten of Him
1.You are going to love God’s children.
2.Illustration: those strangers you meet on vacation who are believers. Politicians…
Mike Pence “I am a Christian.” Those I meet in Haiti who are believers. We have something in common. That something is the Love of Jesus.
That is why you want to go to church and be around God’s people.
3.Begotten of Him These also are born into God’s family. We are truly brothers and sisters. There is no race or racism in God’s family.
What are the birthmarks of one who is born into God’s family?
By this we know that we love the children of God…when do we know this?
A.Our Desire
1.When we love God.
2.When we keep His Commandments
B.Our Delight
For love is of God
1.That we keep His commandments.
2.His commandments are not a burden we carry. They are not heavy!
C.Our Direction
1.We test our love for God by doing what He says.
2.We delight to obey. By being given the new birth He gives us the Holy Spirit and we want to do what He asks.
3.He gives us the power to do what He asks.
4.What are some of these commandments: I Thes. 5 See that none render evil for evil unto any man, but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks. Quench not the Spirit. Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Eph. 4 Grieve not the Spirit…put away anger, clamor, evil speaking, be kind, tenderhearted forgiving one another as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.
Eph. 6 Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. Husbands love your wives like you love yourself.
5.Because of his new birth we walk in freedom! It is His power living through us!!
What are the birthmarks of one who is born of God?
We are in a battle. (Eph. 6:10ff)
A.The Overcoming Faith 4
1.Three times in 2 verses John repeats the phrase: Overcomes the world.
*The Greek word for overcome is nike…victory! The word is a past tense idea: has overcome! WE ARE ALREADY WINNERS! We need to move from a mentality of defeat to a stance of victory. Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world.
2. True victory over the world is won by the new life…the Word of God and
obedience to His commandments.
3.That victory is by faith. The Word is the foundation. The power to win: The Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Eph. 6:10)
B.The Object of Faith 5
Who is he that overcomes? That is a good question: He that rests His full weight on Jesus Christ.
1.There is a constant connection with Jesus Christ. He dwells in me and I in Him. There is a living relationship with the living God.
2.Hebrews 11 By Faith…implies divine revelation…the revealed Word of God. It is not by fighting that victory is gained.
3.Jesus Christ conquered every enemy on the cross! By faith I can appropriate that power (Eph. 6:12ff) Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand and withstand.
4.Liberty…If we identify with Him, bringing Him into every detail of live…VICTORY is mine! Jesus…Son of God He is the very essence of God!
5.That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection (Phil 3:10)
Think about Him. Call on Him. Rest you full weight on Him. Surrender Absolutely to Him.
6.You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. There is VICTORY IN JESUS!
What are the birthmarks of one who is born of God?
Love for God’s Children
Loyalty To God’s Commandments
Liberty In God’s Conquest
The Birthmarks Of A Believer
1. A ‘birthmark’ is a mark left on a child at birth.
2. Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah is born of God.
3. Are you born of God? What are the birthmarks of one who is ‘born of God’?
What are the birthmarks of one who is born of God?
Love is agape love. God is the source. God is love. Love is self-giving that looks for
nothing in return. For God so loved the world…. (John 3:16) This love becomes mine upon
A.Love The Father
Everyone that loves Him that begot (birthed) (gave birth)
1.Upon receiving Jesus Christ, God becomes your Father. He begot you…conceived, delivered…to bring forth.
2.He is now your heavenly Father and you will love Him!
3.As His children there will be family traits, characteristics. The Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, self-control.
4.With this self-giving love…It’s not about me. It’s all about Him!
B.Love The Family
Loves him also that is begotten of Him
1.You are going to love God’s children.
2.Illustration: those strangers you meet on vacation who are believers. Politicians…
Mike Pence “I am a Christian.” Those I meet in Haiti who are believers. We have something in common. That something is the Love of Jesus.
That is why you want to go to church and be around God’s people.
3.Begotten of Him These also are born into God’s family. We are truly brothers and sisters. There is no race or racism in God’s family.
What are the birthmarks of one who is born into God’s family?
By this we know that we love the children of God…when do we know this?
A.Our Desire
1.When we love God.
2.When we keep His Commandments
B.Our Delight
For love is of God
1.That we keep His commandments.
2.His commandments are not a burden we carry. They are not heavy!
C.Our Direction
1.We test our love for God by doing what He says.
2.We delight to obey. By being given the new birth He gives us the Holy Spirit and we want to do what He asks.
3.He gives us the power to do what He asks.
4.What are some of these commandments: I Thes. 5 See that none render evil for evil unto any man, but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks. Quench not the Spirit. Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Eph. 4 Grieve not the Spirit…put away anger, clamor, evil speaking, be kind, tenderhearted forgiving one another as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.
Eph. 6 Husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. Husbands love your wives like you love yourself.
5.Because of his new birth we walk in freedom! It is His power living through us!!
What are the birthmarks of one who is born of God?
We are in a battle. (Eph. 6:10ff)
A.The Overcoming Faith 4
1.Three times in 2 verses John repeats the phrase: Overcomes the world.
*The Greek word for overcome is nike…victory! The word is a past tense idea: has overcome! WE ARE ALREADY WINNERS! We need to move from a mentality of defeat to a stance of victory. Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world.
2. True victory over the world is won by the new life…the Word of God and
obedience to His commandments.
3.That victory is by faith. The Word is the foundation. The power to win: The Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Eph. 6:10)
B.The Object of Faith 5
Who is he that overcomes? That is a good question: He that rests His full weight on Jesus Christ.
1.There is a constant connection with Jesus Christ. He dwells in me and I in Him. There is a living relationship with the living God.
2.Hebrews 11 By Faith…implies divine revelation…the revealed Word of God. It is not by fighting that victory is gained.
3.Jesus Christ conquered every enemy on the cross! By faith I can appropriate that power (Eph. 6:12ff) Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand and withstand.
4.Liberty…If we identify with Him, bringing Him into every detail of live…VICTORY is mine! Jesus…Son of God He is the very essence of God!
5.That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection (Phil 3:10)
Think about Him. Call on Him. Rest you full weight on Him. Surrender Absolutely to Him.
6.You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. There is VICTORY IN JESUS!
What are the birthmarks of one who is born of God?
Love for God’s Children
Loyalty To God’s Commandments
Liberty In God’s Conquest
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