Northpoint Church

January 16, 2022
Biblical Worship of God
Locations & Times
Northpoint Church
988 W Ontario Ave, Corona, CA 92882, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
In-person and Virtual Services
We are honoring the guidance provided by local, regional, and national authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, we are allowed to gather in person inside our Worship Center. We do so at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We also live are streaming that service on Facebook and YouTube (Find links below.) While we are physically distant, we are socially and spiritually connecting through the technological platforms available to us!

Welcome to Northpoint! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us today.
View the New NP Online Care Card
Stay Connected with the Northpoint Family. We all ache to gather again. Being separated is tough, but during stressful times, it is even harder not to have face to face fellowship and the strength that comes from physically being together. Even so, we can still connect with each other. One way is to fill out the new confidential NP Care Card (See link below.). Once submitted, the card will be reviewed by the Northpoint Care Team. If you so indicate on the card, someone from the team will contact you. (Resource Folder)
Download to find one document with today's resource folder, sermon notes, and song sheets. Notes
Arise, Walk Through the Land
Genesis 13-14
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor
Overview: Abraham’s material blessings had the potential to distract him from his walk with the Lord, but he wisely demonstrated that he loved the Lord more than his possessions. Abraham did not allow his wealth to substitute for worship; was willing to hold his possessions lightly while enjoying them thoroughly; used his own resources to serve others in need; was faithful in returning a portion of his earnings to the Lord; and was unwilling to acquire income by dubious means. The original audience would have been particularly helped by these examples as they entered the Promised Land, which represented good gifts from God but included warnings not to forget God in the process. By way of application, we too can use Abraham’s model of stewardship as a means of assessing our own discipleship.
Arise, Walk Through the Land
Genesis 13-14
Dr. Tony Chute, Lead Pastor
Overview: Abraham’s material blessings had the potential to distract him from his walk with the Lord, but he wisely demonstrated that he loved the Lord more than his possessions. Abraham did not allow his wealth to substitute for worship; was willing to hold his possessions lightly while enjoying them thoroughly; used his own resources to serve others in need; was faithful in returning a portion of his earnings to the Lord; and was unwilling to acquire income by dubious means. The original audience would have been particularly helped by these examples as they entered the Promised Land, which represented good gifts from God but included warnings not to forget God in the process. By way of application, we too can use Abraham’s model of stewardship as a means of assessing our own discipleship.
01. We love the Lord more than our possessions when our worship is consistent, our contentment is evident, and our faith is permanent.
02. We love the Lord more than our possessions when we contribute to others’ betterment, our giving is proportionate, and our earnings are legitimate.
1. How does Abraham’s life demonstrate that he loved the Lord more than his possessions? What are your thoughts about wealthy Christians? How does Abraham’s life compare or contrast with the New Testaments’ teachings about wealth? See Matthew 19:16-30 and 1 Timothy 6:3-10 for further insight.
1. How does Abraham’s life demonstrate that he loved the Lord more than his possessions? What are your thoughts about wealthy Christians? How does Abraham’s life compare or contrast with the New Testaments’ teachings about wealth? See Matthew 19:16-30 and 1 Timothy 6:3-10 for further insight.
2. What does Lot’s choice of the best land for himself reveal about his character? What does Abraham’s willingness to give Lot the best land reveal about his character? Consider how the beatitude, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,” applies to this text and our lives today.
2. What does Lot’s choice of the best land for himself reveal about his character? What does Abraham’s willingness to give Lot the best land reveal about his character? Consider how the beatitude, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,” applies to this text and our lives today.
3. Why does the Lord tell Abraham to “arise and walk through the land”? How does walking through the land add to Abraham’s faith that the Lord will fulfill His promises? How does walking through the land teach Abraham that he is free to enjoy the gifts God has given and will give?
3. Why does the Lord tell Abraham to “arise and walk through the land”? How does walking through the land add to Abraham’s faith that the Lord will fulfill His promises? How does walking through the land teach Abraham that he is free to enjoy the gifts God has given and will give?
4. Why did Abraham rescue Lot? What reasons might Abraham have had not to rescue Lot? What do Abraham’s actions suggest about our responsibility to use our resources in the service of others? Who can you assist with the resources God has given you?
4. Why did Abraham rescue Lot? What reasons might Abraham have had not to rescue Lot? What do Abraham’s actions suggest about our responsibility to use our resources in the service of others? Who can you assist with the resources God has given you?
5. Who is Melchizedek, and what does Abraham’s response to him suggest about Melchizedek’s status? See Hebrews 7:1-10 for further insight. Why does Abraham refuse to profit from the king of Sodom? Have you ever rejected income or opportunities for income due to a concern over ethical issues or questionable associations?
5. Who is Melchizedek, and what does Abraham’s response to him suggest about Melchizedek’s status? See Hebrews 7:1-10 for further insight. Why does Abraham refuse to profit from the king of Sodom? Have you ever rejected income or opportunities for income due to a concern over ethical issues or questionable associations?
For Further Reading
Craig Blomberg, Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship (Zondervan, 2013) us Live on YouTube Each Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. us on Facebook Live Each Sunday @ 9:00 a.m.
As a part of our worship we are called to cheerfully, generously, and sacrificially give (2 Cor 9:7). Your faithful partnership in and support of the ministries at Northpoint Evangelical Free Church allows us to impact the lives of thousands, both locally and globally, for His Kingdom. Out More About Northpoint Church
OUR MISSION: Making Disciples Who Make Disciples. A disciple is a person who has been reconciled into a right relationship with God through new birth by faith in Christ and is consequently growing in love for God, love for others, and in joyful obedience to all of Christ’s commands.