LaPorte United Methodist Church

"When We Encounter Jesus: Jesus Reveals His Glory" - Worship Service 1/16/2022
Join us at 11am online or in person as Reverend William Baker continues his 7 week sermon series entitled "When We Encounter Jesus." As a reminder, masks are mandatory and social distancing is encouraged for those attending in person.
Locations & Times
LaPorte United Methodist Church
2071 Grafton Rd, Elyria, OH 44035, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
The Leadership team has decided that mandatory masking, at this time, for any person inside the church with others, is a necessity to prevent further spread of Covid and keep the church open for services, classes, and all other events. In addition to this, we ask that you practice social distancing and sanitizing as much as possible. Also, we ask that if you are sick in any manner, please do not attend church until completely healed. If you have tested positive, please follow the current CDC guidelines. Our goal is to keep the church safe and open. We will continue to monitor the Covid situation and update this as needed. Hopefully this will be a short need.
“What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”
In chapter 1, Jesus’ first disciples encountered Jesus and confessed he was the Messiah. In chapter 2, Jesus taught them what he would do as the Messiah through his first miraculous sign. John records seven of Jesus’ signs in his gospel. Each sign points to Jesus and teaches us who he is and why he came. Jesus’ first sign, changing water into wine, tells us the nature of his Messianic ministry: Jesus can transform people, whose lives are drab and meaningless, into tasty people who are useful to God and blessings to others. This is what happens when Jesus reveals his glory, people are changed! Come and seek change with us this coming Sunday!
In chapter 1, Jesus’ first disciples encountered Jesus and confessed he was the Messiah. In chapter 2, Jesus taught them what he would do as the Messiah through his first miraculous sign. John records seven of Jesus’ signs in his gospel. Each sign points to Jesus and teaches us who he is and why he came. Jesus’ first sign, changing water into wine, tells us the nature of his Messianic ministry: Jesus can transform people, whose lives are drab and meaningless, into tasty people who are useful to God and blessings to others. This is what happens when Jesus reveals his glory, people are changed! Come and seek change with us this coming Sunday!
Watch the Service on YouTube!
The service will begin on YouTube five minutes before 11am. Visitor?
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