The Bridge Church

Prince of Peace
December 19, 2021
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
You cannot have the peace of God without having peace with God.
1. Jesus as Prince, is strong enough to carry all of our burdens.
Prince (“sar” in Hebrew) means commander, captain, chief. A strong military leader.
2. We are incomplete until we have God’s peace.
Peace (“shalom” in Hebrew) means prosperity, success, salvation, completeness, wholeness, contentment.
3. The Prince of Peace came to make all things perfect again.
Isaiah 2:4b CSB
Nation will not take up the sword against nation, and they will never again train for war.
Nation will not take up the sword against nation, and they will never again train for war.
When you begin to experience trouble or conflict, stop and think about what the Prince of Peace has done for you. Make a list of the ways you see God at work in your life. (Luke 2:10-14; John 14:27)
The Prince of Peace came to bring wholeness and completeness to your life. Do you lack contentment? Slow down and rest in the security of the Prince of Peace. God is in control and will guard your minds with His peace.
(Phil 4:7; Rom. 12:18)
(Phil 4:7; Rom. 12:18)
Peace with God comes only through a relationship with Jesus Christ obtained by faith. Give your life to Jesus and He will give you peace with God. If you already have a relationship with Jesus, give your burdens to Him today and let Him carry them for you. (Romans 5:1; Matt. 11:28)
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point on January 9
I need to join a serve team
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point on January 9
I need to join a serve team
Dig Deeper
1. What are some of the different things people mean when they use the phrase, “peace on earth,” or put a bumper sticker on their car that says “peace?”
2. What kind of peace do you think this world is seeking most? If Jesus offers a peace that is different from the world’s (John 14:27), what kind of peace does the world offer most readily?
3. What is the one thing that is causing you to not have peace right now?
4. What is your image of a prince? How does that compare to how the Bible describes a prince?
5. Peace (Shalom) can be defined as prosperity, success, welfare, state of health, friendliness, deliverance, and salvation. Peace provides completeness, wholeness, contentment, tranquility. Why is peace so important to God?
6. When you have a burden, what is your initial response? What do you do at that moment?
7. How much of your own sense of peace is related to circumstances, relationships, or inner calm instead of the Lord? What could someone do to change the foundation of their peace?
8. Is peace something you can create on your own? Why or why not?
9. How does Jesus, as Prince of Peace (Sar-Shalom), grant you peace in moments of need?
10. Is peace the same as easy? Is it possible to have peace during hardships we are faced with?
11. Can a person live a peaceful life and still not know the peace of God?
12. What has God showed you from his word, or through spiritual disciplines that have helped minister peace to your soul?
13. How can you be more aware of God’s peace on a daily basis?
Reading Plan
Monday – Luke 2:10-14, Romans 5:1, John 16:25-33
Tuesday – Galatians 5:22, Matthew 10:26-39
Wednesday –Ephesians 2:11-22
Thursday – Matthew 11:25-30
Friday – John 14:25-31
Saturday – Philippians 4:4-9
1. What are some of the different things people mean when they use the phrase, “peace on earth,” or put a bumper sticker on their car that says “peace?”
2. What kind of peace do you think this world is seeking most? If Jesus offers a peace that is different from the world’s (John 14:27), what kind of peace does the world offer most readily?
3. What is the one thing that is causing you to not have peace right now?
4. What is your image of a prince? How does that compare to how the Bible describes a prince?
5. Peace (Shalom) can be defined as prosperity, success, welfare, state of health, friendliness, deliverance, and salvation. Peace provides completeness, wholeness, contentment, tranquility. Why is peace so important to God?
6. When you have a burden, what is your initial response? What do you do at that moment?
7. How much of your own sense of peace is related to circumstances, relationships, or inner calm instead of the Lord? What could someone do to change the foundation of their peace?
8. Is peace something you can create on your own? Why or why not?
9. How does Jesus, as Prince of Peace (Sar-Shalom), grant you peace in moments of need?
10. Is peace the same as easy? Is it possible to have peace during hardships we are faced with?
11. Can a person live a peaceful life and still not know the peace of God?
12. What has God showed you from his word, or through spiritual disciplines that have helped minister peace to your soul?
13. How can you be more aware of God’s peace on a daily basis?
Reading Plan
Monday – Luke 2:10-14, Romans 5:1, John 16:25-33
Tuesday – Galatians 5:22, Matthew 10:26-39
Wednesday –Ephesians 2:11-22
Thursday – Matthew 11:25-30
Friday – John 14:25-31
Saturday – Philippians 4:4-9