LaPorte United Methodist Church

"The Gifts We Bring the King: Sing to the Lord" - 12/12/2021 Worship Service
Join us for the third Sunday of Advent at 11am on Sunday morning! Come ready to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Locations & Times
LaPorte United Methodist Church
2071 Grafton Rd, Elyria, OH 44035, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
On this third Sunday of Advent, joy is the theme. Everyone is asked to bring a joyful spirit and a willingness to sing to the Lord. Not everyone feels what we commonly associate with joy. The holidays are difficult for some people. A meaning of joy that does not rely on pleasant circumstances is explored in this message.
For people of faith, true joy is found in doing things God's way and trusting that God's way is right for all persons. We realize that emptiness is found in every other way, so we commit and recommit ourselves to God's way, despite what it costs us. In doing so, Mary's song of joy can become our song. The key to making it so is being able to rejoice in God's presence and providence regardless of our circumstances. It is learning to affirm the spiritual significance and fruitful possibilities to be found in our difficulties and suffering, instead of waiting for fair weather and pleasant circumstances. To do so will assure that the gift of true joy, born of faith, will become our song.
For people of faith, true joy is found in doing things God's way and trusting that God's way is right for all persons. We realize that emptiness is found in every other way, so we commit and recommit ourselves to God's way, despite what it costs us. In doing so, Mary's song of joy can become our song. The key to making it so is being able to rejoice in God's presence and providence regardless of our circumstances. It is learning to affirm the spiritual significance and fruitful possibilities to be found in our difficulties and suffering, instead of waiting for fair weather and pleasant circumstances. To do so will assure that the gift of true joy, born of faith, will become our song.
Advent Events
Advent Sermon Series
The Gifts We Bring the King
November 28 - Waiting with Anticipation (bring a bell)
December 5 - Let Your Light Shine (bring a flashlight or similar item)
December 12 - Sing to the Lord (sing with glory to the Lord this day)
December 19 - Children’s Program in the morning worship (bring a nonperishable item)
December 24 - 7pm: Christmas Eve Service: Those Who Came
December 26 - First Sunday of Christmastide
January 2 - Second Sunday of Christmastide
Other Events
December 19 - 7:00pm: Promise of a King; a chorale cantata presented by the LaPorte, Grafton, Belden and LaGrange United Methodist Churches
The Gifts We Bring the King
November 28 - Waiting with Anticipation (bring a bell)
December 5 - Let Your Light Shine (bring a flashlight or similar item)
December 12 - Sing to the Lord (sing with glory to the Lord this day)
December 19 - Children’s Program in the morning worship (bring a nonperishable item)
December 24 - 7pm: Christmas Eve Service: Those Who Came
December 26 - First Sunday of Christmastide
January 2 - Second Sunday of Christmastide
Other Events
December 19 - 7:00pm: Promise of a King; a chorale cantata presented by the LaPorte, Grafton, Belden and LaGrange United Methodist Churches