LifePointe Christian Church

A WORTHY LIFE - Byproducts of Salvation - Week 6
Speaker: Derek Gute, Adult Ministries Pastor
Locations & Times
LifePointe Christian Church
10291 E Stockton Blvd, Elk Grove, CA 95624, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 9:45 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
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Ephesians 3
Salvation Byproduct: We are heirs together with Israel
To be “heirs together with Israel” is to be part of the family of God
Salvation Byproduct: We are members together of one body
The ground is level at the foot of the cross
The goal is not uniformity. We can celebrate our differences and still pursue unity.
Our ability to love one another and pursue unity, despite our differences, is our greatest opportunity to show a watching world that Jesus makes a difference.
Salvation Byproduct: We are sharers together in the promise
The more we learn to rely on and submit to the Spirit, the more we will benefit from His presence in us.
Salvation Byproduct: We have access to God
Sanctification: the ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus
Express thanks to God
Live a life worthy of the calling you have received
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