CityHeart Church | Pastor Jamar Dawson

A Heart of Thanksgiving: Appreciating Sacrifice
Locations & Times
CityHeart Church
1425 Lelia Dr, Jackson, MS 39216, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Current COVID Protocols
In the Jackson Metro area, the number of new cases of COVID-19 is now equivalent to October 2020 levels. As the new strain of the virus is at least twice as contagious as the initial virus, CityHeart is modifying the COVID safety guidelines that were last updated in the early summer of 2021. The church will continue to monitor this dynamic situation and will abide by local rules and regulations as they are rolled out.
Mask Guideline
In alignment to CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, we request that you wear a mask within the church building.
Cleaning Policy
The church will disinfect surfaces prior to the start of worship services and will have hand sanitizer available on church grounds.
Social Distancing
The church recommends that individuals limit time spent within 6 ft of others as much as possible.
Mask Guideline
In alignment to CDC guidelines for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, we request that you wear a mask within the church building.
Cleaning Policy
The church will disinfect surfaces prior to the start of worship services and will have hand sanitizer available on church grounds.
Social Distancing
The church recommends that individuals limit time spent within 6 ft of others as much as possible.
When we reflect on and appreciate the sacrifice that Christ made for us, it forms in us a thankful heart that responds with action.

Register for Anchored: Night Of Hope
FRIDAY, DEC. 10th Join us for a night of worship, fellowship, and an encouraging word from a guest, Hannah Lane. is ugly.
Sacrifice (Definition 1): to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure or destroy for an ideal, belief, or end.
Sacrifice (Definition 2): Destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else.
Sacrifice was a violent, smelly, messy experience which by design, signified just how putrid the stench of sin is to our Creator.
Sacrifice is necessary
Why is there a need to sacrifice?
What we deserve for just one violation against our Lord is death. However, God provided an escape clause from this death.

Join us for our Christmas Team Night Event!
December 12th @ 6pm. Enjoy a time of fun, food, and vision with us as we celebrate in a festive fashion! pays the price for sin, but it also does something else; it justifies and redeems us so that we can be brought back into righteousness (right standing) with God.
Sacrifice is our calling
As Christians, God calls us to follow Christ's example of sacrifice.
Making the choice to sacrifice isn't always easy.

Giving Tuesday (November 30th) kicks off Heart for the House: Phase 2! The Heart for the House campaign was created to help us accelerate the vision and mission to prepare for a permanent home to worship and operate efficiently to serve our city.
To help meet those needs, generous outside supporters of CityHeart Church have agreed to match up to $100,000 dollars, dollar-for-dollar, of our fundraising to propel us forward in Phase 2. This means your $20 donation becomes $40; $50 becomes $100; $500 becomes $1,000.
We’re not asking you to give a specific amount - we are asking you to pray and ask God what you are supposed to give toward this endeavor, beyond your tithe and partner with us in fulfilling and accelerating the vision of CityHeart Church. help meet those needs, generous outside supporters of CityHeart Church have agreed to match up to $100,000 dollars, dollar-for-dollar, of our fundraising to propel us forward in Phase 2. This means your $20 donation becomes $40; $50 becomes $100; $500 becomes $1,000.
We’re not asking you to give a specific amount - we are asking you to pray and ask God what you are supposed to give toward this endeavor, beyond your tithe and partner with us in fulfilling and accelerating the vision of CityHeart Church.
Sacrifice isn't just a calling or just a duty. Sacrifice is worship.
Take time to appreciate the sacrifice Christ made and follow His example by being a living sacrifice. When we do, we will truly abound in Thanksgiving.

Reserve a Gift Tag TODAY!
What an incredible opportunity to bless families in need in our community this Christmas season where they can experience love in action through your generosity! Prayerfully consider sponsoring a gift(s) for the families. Click the link to the gifts available to purchase and reserve your gift tag. Gifts must be turned in by Dec. 12th.
If you have a vocal or instrumental talent and previous live performing musical experience, you can audition to be apart of our band.
Mark JOIN THE TEAM on the connect card on your seats
Text CONNECT using the texting option on the screen
Click the link to the CONNECT form in YOUVERSION
Or email
Mark JOIN THE TEAM on the connect card on your seats
Text CONNECT using the texting option on the screen
Click the link to the CONNECT form in YOUVERSION
Or email
Take a moment to review your information and provide any updates or missing elements to help us better serve you. This also helps us ensure all your contact details are accurate as we begin preparing your End of the Year Giving Statement.
CityHeart is HIRING! Click the link below to see current job openings and to apply. are More Announcements
Don't Miss An Opportunity to Get Baptized!
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Prayer: Every Saturday morning from 9:00 am- 9:30 pm, we pray believing with one another for the power of God to move boldly in our lives and in our community.
Join us every Saturday morning:
Zoom Meeting ID: 87084776250
Password: 679745
Dail- In # 312-626-6799
Let us know how we can pray for you here:
You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, view previous services via YouTube, or listen to our podcast. Feel free to learn more about us at our
Sign Up Here:
Prayer: Every Saturday morning from 9:00 am- 9:30 pm, we pray believing with one another for the power of God to move boldly in our lives and in our community.
Join us every Saturday morning:
Zoom Meeting ID: 87084776250
Password: 679745
Dail- In # 312-626-6799
Let us know how we can pray for you here:
You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, view previous services via YouTube, or listen to our podcast. Feel free to learn more about us at our
Give Here!
One of our core values is "We Give and Grow." Whether it's our time, talent, or treasure, we believe giving is an avenue for growth in our personal lives and within our City.