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Citywide Baptist Church

Stepping into your specific calling

Stepping into your specific calling

We are introducing the three levels of calling and how the church supports you on the journey...

Locations & Times

Citywide Baptist Church (Mornington)

400 Cambridge Rd, Mornington TAS 7018, Australia

Sunday 10:00 AM

There is a specific way that God is asking you as an individual to allocate your time and energy to bless the people of this city and the world.
Your specific calling always come from the foundation of both your relationship with Christ and also living in the way of Jesus as reflected by the F.O.L.L.O.W., B.L.E.S.S. and S.H.A.R.E practises.

If your specific calling ever loses those foundations it will quickly become an unhealthy priority that leads to an unbalanced lifestyle.


Called at three levels

There are some other things that we believe the bible makes clear about our specific callings:

Our specific callings will not be about a role, but about a goal that reflects God’s Kingdom priorities for your neighbourhood, city and world.
Your specific calling will come from a spirit-given dream or vision that you will probably find hard to articulate and will probably become clearer gradually as you follow
All of our specific callings are about reflecting the nature and character of God to the world, and reflecting the world back to God in prayer. This is what it means to be a “royal priesthood”.
All of our specific callings are about bringing God’s blessing to the world.
Our specific callings will require us to die to ourselves and live in a kind of way that reflects the cross.

Matt 10:37-39, Matthew 16:24-26, Mark 8:34-38, Luke 9:23-26, Luke 14:26-27, Luke 17:33, Luke 18:14, John 12:24-26
In our specific callings we will be required to serve and take on roles we may not particularly enjoy.
You will need the fellowship, equipping encouragement and support of the church in order to step into your calling
A big part of any impact you have in your specific calling will be the direct result of your relationships with your brothers and sisters in the church.
As you live your specific calling, your life will speak loudly and provoke questions to which the only reasonable answer points to Jesus.
Discussion Question:

What is your sense of the specific calling God has for you?
Discovering your calling is a process...


The Calling Triangle from the Underground Church

THE OUTER TRIANGLE: The objective state of our person which shows us the more concrete indicators of our calling

Personality Inventory: Discovering the type of personality that clarifies who you are

Vocational Assessment: Discovering the role God designed you to fulfill

Opportunity Analysis: Discovering the experiences that have helped shape you

THE INNER TRIANGLE: The subjective sense of our person which serves to clarify the more abstract clues to our calling

Emotional Evaluation: Discovering the areas we are naturally drawn to

Listening Prayer: Discovering the words God is speaking to us

Counselor Input: Discovering the advice of our mentors and leaders

While following Jesus is firstly about a relationship, that relationship also must become a way of life.
Sometimes you will discover that God is calling you to keep going on the path you are already on.
Sometimes God is asking you to step out on a new path...
As your church we want to support you in your specific calling by:

Creating opportunities for training and exploration of the specific calling God has for you (such as the calling Lab)

Connecting you with our “calling support and incubation team” to help you think through the implications and best ways forward for your specific calling.

Encouraging you to find a Kingdom Cell where you can get the kind of fellowship you will need as you step into your specific calling.

Share with the whole church what God is calling you to and commission you for the specific way he has called you.

Cover you with prayer and be ready to respond quickly to specific prayer needs

Connect you with people that have skills and resources you need

Offer you use of the church’s administrative facilities and buildings to the level that is helpful and possible.

Promote what you are doing in whatever way is helpful

Provide coaching for you as you start and as you continue on your journey.
Small Group Questions:

1. How would you describe your understanding of God's calling for you at the moment?

2. Do you think Matt is right that we will need the fellowship, equipping, encouragement and support of the church in order to step into our calling?

3. How have you seen the connection between stepping into your calling and being willing to take up your cross and die to yourself in your own life?

4. Does the calling triangle help you at all in thinking about calling? What do you notice about it?

5. In what ways could the church support you in stepping into your calling?