Cordova Neighborhood Church

Sunday 11.14.2021
Welcome to Sunday worship at Cordova Neighborhood Church. Service begins at 11:00 AM. In person service is at the church building, 10600 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA. Online, the service is on Facebook Live.
Locations & Times
Cordova Neighborhood Church | Online @
10600 Coloma Rd, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
Cordova Neighborhood Church Service LiveStream at 11AM
Tap the link then come back to take and save notes. The link takes you directly to the Live Stream and will be live starting at 10:45am. News and communication tools are at the bottom of this page.'S SERMON
Sermon Series: Being The Church: Faithfully and Fully
Message: The Discipline of The Lord's Prayer
Pastor Phil Cooley
Take notes online or print a pdf.
Sermon Series: Being The Church: Faithfully and Fully
Message: The Discipline of The Lord's Prayer
Pastor Phil Cooley
Take notes online or print a pdf.

Today after Service!
All is Bright, an advent devotional | Available November 28 | Suggested donation $5 | During the Advent season, these daily readings and family activities can help you instill a sense of gratitude and anticipation of Christ's coming in the midst of the holiday season.

Operation Christmas Child | October 17 - November 21 | More filled boxes have arrived on our collection shelves. Keep up the good work. I don't know if you ever considered becoming a missionary but when you involve yourself in Operation Christmas Child, you essentially become one. Our boxes are shipped to over 150 countries. To date 188 million children have been reached with the "Love Story" of Jesus. Many children have entered a saving relationship with Jesus which has changed their lives and those of their parents and communities. Pray for this work. Collection Sunday, November 21. Dan and Kathy, Christmas Child team.

Help others have a brighter Christmas |All donations given to the Benevolent Fund now through early December will be distributed to individuals and families who need a bit of help to make it through the holidays. To help with this effort, simply tag your donation “Benevolent Fund.”
Free covid 19 testing is available at the church every Tuesday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Register at this link. WAYS TO CONNECT WITH US
Giving this Month Monthly Budget $29,033.81
General Giving $ 2,252.88
Below budget $26,780.93
Missions giving $ 381.04
General Giving $ 2,252.88
Below budget $26,780.93
Missions giving $ 381.04
Digital Communication Slip
Use this form to let us know you joined us, tell us about a prayer need or ask a question. an appointment with a pastor
https://cnchurch.setmore.comGive online
Donating to Cordova Neighborhood Church is easy. Use this link to give a one time gift or set up a reoccurring donation.