Puyallup Nazarene Church
Awaken Your Willingness
The path to spiritual maturity and emotional health can seem daunting at times. How can we ever experience the wholeness that God desires for us? If we think it all depends on us, we will be paralyzed by the sheer overwhelming nature of the task. But if we can see and believe the willingness of God, to bring us his saving and healing grace, we can move forward hopefully.
Locations & Times
  • Puyallup Nazarene Church
    1026 7th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371, USA
    Sunday 8:16 AM
Making Space: How do you assess your progress this week?
This present opportunity: A gift of grace...for all of us struggling, needy, broken, hungry and awakened people!
Communion: His willingness awakening ours.
Discussion and Application Questions for Group Life Communities and Personal Study-

Read Matthew 21:28-32

Observe- Again, as our normal practice, take time to read the passage a few times….consider reading it in different translations. What words or phrases stand out to you?

- Jesus is speaking to the religious (leaders and others)...who are opposing him. Who are the two sons representing?

- What determines the contrast between the sons?

- What are the concluding words of Jesus in this story?

- What do you think Jesus meant by 'working in the vineyard?'

- What kind of affect do you think story this would have had on the religious?

- If the tax collectors and prostitutes were overhearing him, what do you think may have been their thoughts and feelings?

- What affect do you think Jesus wanted to stir up in the religious? in the irreligious?

- Who are you in the story? How did you decide your answer?

- What does it mean for you to 'do' the will of the Father? (Jesus question was: Which of them DID what the father wanted?)

- What do you believe Jesus desires for you as his follower, and how will you begin to implement it this week?

Our groups are becoming great healing places for people. Take time to pray for each other and encourage one another as we walk with Jesus.


Four Principles for Living the Missio Dei:
*Share in life with people who do not yet know Jesus.
*Inspire others to know and follow Jesus by living your faith attractively.
*Grow with others in your faith and obedience.
*Serve others with sacrificial love.

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