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Involve Church

Elohim (Genesis 1:1-3)

Elohim (Genesis 1:1-3)

Welcome to Involve ONLINE! THIS SERIES: Exodus: Remember Who He is THIS WEEK: Elohim (Genesis 1:1-3) "Elohim, more powerful than all other powers combined." To find out more about Involve Church, head to or email Also, you can navigate to our website to connect with the church staff, get plugged into a life group, or find out what's going in to help you grow in your faith at

Locations & Times

Sherman Elementary School

224 17th Ave S, Nampa, ID 83651, USA

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Study Outline:
---- 1. Elohim is the first named used for God (Genesis 1:1)
-------- a. Used 2599 times
-------- b. Basic definition - All powerful creator (Exodus 5:1-3)
---- 2. Elohim is the first sign of a triune God
-------- a.It is a plural noun- (Genesis 1:26)
-------- b. Israel’s God is plural, yet one? (Deuteronomy 6:4)
---- 3.Elohim represents power and unity

Teaching Outline:
Big Idea: Elohim, more powerful than all other powers combined

What the name Elohim means for you
----1. You have a relationship with the most powerful being in the universe (Rom. 8:31)
---- 2. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are perfectly unified (Matt. 3:16-17)
---- 3. If you reject Elohim, there is no one more powerful to save your bacon (1 John 2:1-2; Hebrews 10:26-29)

Authenticity - real people, real faith

Apply Elohim to your prayer life. Pray to our loving, powerful Father, through the glorious, sacrificial Son, with the help of the present and indwelling Holy Spirit.

Watch Live Online

Welcome! We are so happy you've taken the time to join us this morning! Make sure to catch the service live online at this link. You can also catch reruns throughout the week.

Take Next Steps in Your Faith

Here at Involve, we believe everyone has a next step! To help people get connected and grow – we stay committed to our mission. We want to involve people in an authentic relationship with Jesus.What does that mean? We will continually challenge you to pray, love, encourage and invest in other people in your sphere of influence and every day life. It could be a co-worker, friend, family member, brother, sister, or even a teammate! Whoever it is – together – we will invest in people in our community who don’t know Jesus and we will fulfill the Great Commission one person at a time.

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Thank you for supporting the mission and ministry of Involve Church! Your giving goes towards our General Fund, which is used for ongoing ministry expenses, staff salaries, discipleship, outreach to the community, and more.