Redeemer Church Mauritius
Our Values: Being a Family & Praying with Faith - Phil Kendon
Redeemer Church exists to make disciples one life at a time. It is our hope that we can introduce many people to Jesus and help each one become a follower and apprentice of him. At the same time, we have several values that we hold onto as a church. These are principles that are important to us. They motivate our attitudes and our behaviour and are based on biblical teachings. The first two values are: • Being a Family • Praying with Faith We believe that every local church is part of the family of God and that we should treat each other as brothers and sisters. We also believe in the priority of prayer. We pray because we need God and we trust him, knowing that his will is the very best thing that could happen.
Locations & Times
Redeemer EastCoast
Above Le Bistrot, Coastal Rd, Mahebourg, Mauritius
Sunday 9:00 AM
- We are no longer foreigners and strangers.
- We are fellow citizens with a common culture.
- We are family members with the privileges and responsibility that brings.
- We pray because we want to yield our lives to God’s will.
- We pray individually, in small groups and in public meetings.
- We pray because Mauritius needs a revival and revivals start in prayer.
When I pray, coincidences happen. When I don’t, they don’t.