StoneBridge Community Church

The Moses Legacy: Leviticus - "I Am the Lord"
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 5:01 PM
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Thanks for partnering with us in our mission to reach people with the good news of God's love, to make disciples, and to send them out. Secure online giving via PayPal. Moses Legacy: Leviticus
In this sermon series, we will be looking at the Law as God describes it to Moses in Leviticus. The language of Leviticus helps us understand the full meaning of Jesus' sacrifice. Without fully understanding parts of Leviticus, we cannot fully grasp how God accomplished victorious atonement over sin through Jesus Christ..
In this sermon series, we will be looking at the Law as God describes it to Moses in Leviticus. The language of Leviticus helps us understand the full meaning of Jesus' sacrifice. Without fully understanding parts of Leviticus, we cannot fully grasp how God accomplished victorious atonement over sin through Jesus Christ..
The Text In Context
"Leviticus 19 is a crucial chapter for Christians... for a variety of reasons.First, it is important because of the distorted perceptions of...Second, Leviticus 19 is vitally important because of the desperate need for...Third, many sincere Christians have gone astray seeking...Fourth, Leviticus 19 is important to us because of the prominence of its teaching in..." Learn more by clicking this link. Outline
I. Leviticus gives a picture of what society ought to look like.
A. Leviticus 25:8-13 describes the Year of Jubilee.
B. How does Israel accomplish the Year of Jubilee?
II. Leviticus 18-20
A. Hebrew Literary Structure
1. The climax and/or thesis comes in the middle, not the end.
B. Ch.18-20 serve as the introduction to the "Holiness Code."
C. Holiness is all about how God's people interact with the world.
D. Chapter 19 is central chapter in the intro - the main point.
E. In the original Hebrew, "Love your Neighbor as yourself" is at the
middle of Ch. 19.
III. How Israel accomplishes the Year of Jubilee
A. Not by being more moral than everyone else, not by being superior to
everyone else but, loving your neighbor as yourself.
C. Love your neighbor as yourself summarizes the law.
IV. Lament
A. As a culture, we've lost this.
B. Our culture doesn't teach us to love our neighbor.
C. We've lost the ability to actually converse with those we disagree with.
D. Politics teaches to care more about "society" or "culture" instead of
actual people.
E. In contrast, the Biblical principle of Jubilee is achieved by people
"loving their neighbors as themselves."
V. Jesus' summary of the law
A. In Luke, Jesus reframes it within The Parable of the Good Samaritan.
B. In Matthew, Jesus is just as explicit, (Ch. 5:43-44).
D. The only way forward for Christians is to love others as ourselves.
I. Leviticus gives a picture of what society ought to look like.
A. Leviticus 25:8-13 describes the Year of Jubilee.
B. How does Israel accomplish the Year of Jubilee?
II. Leviticus 18-20
A. Hebrew Literary Structure
1. The climax and/or thesis comes in the middle, not the end.
B. Ch.18-20 serve as the introduction to the "Holiness Code."
C. Holiness is all about how God's people interact with the world.
D. Chapter 19 is central chapter in the intro - the main point.
E. In the original Hebrew, "Love your Neighbor as yourself" is at the
middle of Ch. 19.
III. How Israel accomplishes the Year of Jubilee
A. Not by being more moral than everyone else, not by being superior to
everyone else but, loving your neighbor as yourself.
C. Love your neighbor as yourself summarizes the law.
IV. Lament
A. As a culture, we've lost this.
B. Our culture doesn't teach us to love our neighbor.
C. We've lost the ability to actually converse with those we disagree with.
D. Politics teaches to care more about "society" or "culture" instead of
actual people.
E. In contrast, the Biblical principle of Jubilee is achieved by people
"loving their neighbors as themselves."
V. Jesus' summary of the law
A. In Luke, Jesus reframes it within The Parable of the Good Samaritan.
B. In Matthew, Jesus is just as explicit, (Ch. 5:43-44).
D. The only way forward for Christians is to love others as ourselves.
Scripture Passages from Sermon
Pastor Jon referenced a few scripture passages in the sermon, beyond Leviticus 19:17-18. Here they are below.
Pastor Jon referenced a few scripture passages in the sermon, beyond Leviticus 19:17-18. Here they are below.
Article on Year of Jubilee
Attached is an article that explains the Year of Jubilee in a bit more detail."Love Your Neighbor"
Here is a rather in-depth article on the language behind "Love your neighbor as yourself" in Hebrew and how it became the Golden Rule, for those who want a deep dive. GROUP / PERSONAL REFLECTION QUESTIONS
1. Before looking closely at Leviticus 19, how would you have summarized the law?
2. What, if anything, did this sermon change about your perception of the law? What is the law trying to accomplish?
3. Do you agree with Pastor Jon's assertion that, as a culture, we have lost the centrality of loving one's neighbor as ourselves? If yes, what affirms this for you? If no, what has led you to believe that this is still a central rule for our culture?
4. In what ways do you find Jesus' definition of "neighbor" challenging?
5. Who is the "neighbor" that Jesus is calling for you to reach out and love?
1. Before looking closely at Leviticus 19, how would you have summarized the law?
2. What, if anything, did this sermon change about your perception of the law? What is the law trying to accomplish?
3. Do you agree with Pastor Jon's assertion that, as a culture, we have lost the centrality of loving one's neighbor as ourselves? If yes, what affirms this for you? If no, what has led you to believe that this is still a central rule for our culture?
4. In what ways do you find Jesus' definition of "neighbor" challenging?
5. Who is the "neighbor" that Jesus is calling for you to reach out and love?
1. Reflect on the information and media sources that you consume. Make a list of them.
2. Closely examine each. How often does each source help you to love your neighbors, to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you?
3. For a period of time, (days or weeks) consider fasting from those sources that serve as a stumbling block and prevent you from loving your neighbors and enemies. As you fast, prayerfully monitor your feelings and attitudes towards "your neighbors and enemies". What issues prevent you from rising to this challenge?
4. Upon reflection, what has God revealed to you?
1. Reflect on the information and media sources that you consume. Make a list of them.
2. Closely examine each. How often does each source help you to love your neighbors, to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you?
3. For a period of time, (days or weeks) consider fasting from those sources that serve as a stumbling block and prevent you from loving your neighbors and enemies. As you fast, prayerfully monitor your feelings and attitudes towards "your neighbors and enemies". What issues prevent you from rising to this challenge?
4. Upon reflection, what has God revealed to you?

Starting the first weekend in November our Saturday night worship service will meet indoors. Sundays will now include a 9am service indoors and for our 10:30 service, we will meet outdoors on the patio in between the chapel and the sanctuary kitchen. For those who are able, please bring your own chair. We will have extra chairs on standby for those who need them. There will be children’s and youth programming at both the 5:30 and 9:00am service.
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