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Porch SF

Sunday Gathering  |  October 24, 2021

Sunday Gathering | October 24, 2021

Locations & Times

Porch SF

1524 Powell St, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA

Sunday 3:00 AM


Call to Worship, Singing


Welcome and Updates, Prayer, Break

Visitor Connect

If you're joining us for the first time, or the first time in a long time, we'd love to know you're here. You can fill out the Visitor Connect form on our website so we can welcome you personally.

Subscribe to the Podcast
Missional Family Dinner
Wednesday nights 6:00-8:30 PDT. For more details, email Kala at


Those who consider themselves part of the Porch family can give their tithes and offerings online either to our regular fund or you can designate a gift to the Benevolence Fund to help those in our community with financial needs during the COVID-19 crisis.

2021 Bible Reading Plan

We're reading the New Testament and the Psalms together this year. Print out the reading plan PDF and follow along as we post daily readings and videos from the Bible Project every week.

New City Catechism, Scripture Reading, Sermon

New City Catechism | Q43: What are the sacraments or ordinances?

Answer: The sacraments or ordinances given by God and instituted by Christ, namely baptism and the Lord’s Supper, are visible signs and seals that we are bound together as a community of faith by his death and resurrection. By our use of them the Holy Spirit more fully declares and seals the promises of the gospel to us.
1: Hold a Posture of Humility

Am I expecting something in return?
Does this person feel loved and cared for?
Have I lowered myself to help this person?
2: Asking Questions to Learn

What makes you feel comfortable in a conversation?
Ask someone to be honest with you and tell something you may not know.
3: Being Quiet to Listen

Why do you tend to make every conversation about you?
4: Standing in the Awkward

Feel. Question. Stay. Be Honest. Admit when you are wrong. Disagree. Which one of these will be hardest for you?
5: Accepting What Is

“I look at a person as an image bearer of a holy God and I am not in any way spooked by whatever worldly identity that happens to be attached to that image bearer.” —Rosaria Butterfield

Who in your life are you uniquely in a position to encourage?
Can you think of an example from your own life where someone encouraged you with empathy?
6: Lightening Up

How can you connect with neighbors through food?
What fun things do you have in common with your neighbors?
7: Giving Freely

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." ?—Winston Churchill

How can you make your life worse to make your neighbor’s life better?



Confession and Lament, Communion, Singing


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