Crossview Church

Sola Scriptura
Chris Putney | Various Passages
Locations & Times
Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Sola Scriptura - Scripture alone
Sola Fide - Faith alone
Sola Gratia - Grace alone
Solus Christus - Christ alone
Solo Deo Gloria - Glory to God alone
Sola Scriptura - Scripture alone
Sola Fide - Faith alone
Sola Gratia - Grace alone
Solus Christus - Christ alone
Solo Deo Gloria - Glory to God alone
Sola Scriptura - Scripture alone
Scripture alone is our highest authority
Scripture alone is our highest authority
"…I exhort all those who have reverence for the Lord’s Word, to read it, and to impress it diligently upon their memory, if they wish to have, first, a sum of Christian doctrine, and, secondly, a way to benefit greatly from reading the Old as well as the New Testament. […] If anyone cannot understand all the contents, he must not therefore despair, but must ever press onward, hoping that one passage will give him a more familiar explanation of another." - John Calvin
Sola Scriptura
1. The Scriptures are the very words of God
1. The Scriptures are the very words of God
All Scripture is inspired by God… (2 Timothy 3:16)
"As those godly men were carried along by the Holy Spirit, He superintended their words and used them to produce the Scriptures. As a sailing ship is carried along by the wind to reach its final destination, so the human authors of Scripture were moved by the Spirit of God to communicate exactly what He desired. In that process, the Spirit filled their minds, souls, and hearts with divine truth— mingling it sovereignly and supernaturally with their unique styles, vocabularies, and experiences, and guiding them to produce a perfect, errorless result."
Sola Scriptura
1. The Scriptures are the very words of God
2. The word of God is living and active
1. The Scriptures are the very words of God
2. The word of God is living and active
Sola Scriptura
1.The Scriptures are the very words of God
2. The word of God is living and active
3. God tells us that His Word will accomplish its purposes
1.The Scriptures are the very words of God
2. The word of God is living and active
3. God tells us that His Word will accomplish its purposes
The Scriptures:
- The very words of God
- Alive and active
- Will accomplish what God has sent them to do
- The very words of God
- Alive and active
- Will accomplish what God has sent them to do
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