Cordova Neighborhood Church

Sunday 10.24.2021
Welcome to Sunday worship at Cordova Neighborhood Church. Service begins at 11:00 AM. In person service is at the church building, 10600 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA. Online, the service is on Facebook Live.
Locations & Times
Cordova Neighborhood Church | Online @
10600 Coloma Rd, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
Cordova Neighborhood Church Service LiveStream at 11AM
Tap the link then come back to take and save notes. The link takes you directly to the Live Stream and will be live starting at 10:45am. News and communication tools are at the bottom of this page.'S SERMON
Sermon Series: Being The Church: Faithfully and Fully
Message: The Discipline of Being with The "Least of These"
Pastor Phil Cooley
Take notes online or print a pdf.
Sermon Series: Being The Church: Faithfully and Fully
Message: The Discipline of Being with The "Least of These"
Pastor Phil Cooley
Take notes online or print a pdf.

PEP Brown Bag Lunch | Today, 12:45 | In the memory garden | Seniors 55+, bring a lunch, have it delivered or go get lunch and join us. Jon Robertson will provide a musical program and Pastor Susan will give a devotional. If you can’t join us in person, watch the live stream from home; the link will be on Facebook.

Operation Christmas Child | October 17 - November 21 | Our 23rd Operation Christmas Child is off with an enthusiastic response. There were many visitors to our new display area where there is a continuous video stream of Christmas Child boxes being delivered in some very challenging areas. 28 boxes went out, some to first time participants. Pastor Philip made the announcement that this year's Christmas Child collection would be dedicated to the memory of Dona Myers who was a long time Christmas Child supporter and team member. Thank you, Your Christmas Christmas Child team, Dan and Kathy Riordan

Deliciousness is coming!
Pray for Alliance International Workers: ECUADOR
A worker, an intern, and several local pastors will travel from a creative-access location to Ecuador for the Alliance World Fellowship Quadrennial meetings in Guayaquil. Pray for safe travels, good health for all attendees, and the Lord's anointing on the meetings and the work of The Alliance around the world.
A worker, an intern, and several local pastors will travel from a creative-access location to Ecuador for the Alliance World Fellowship Quadrennial meetings in Guayaquil. Pray for safe travels, good health for all attendees, and the Lord's anointing on the meetings and the work of The Alliance around the world.
Free covid 19 testing is available at the church every Tuesday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Register at this link. WAYS TO CONNECT WITH US
Giving this Month Monthly Budget $29,033.81
General Fund Giving $18,534.94
To reach budget $10,498.87
Missions giving $ 950.57
General Fund Giving $18,534.94
To reach budget $10,498.87
Missions giving $ 950.57
Digital Communication Slip
Use this form to let us know you joined us, tell us about a prayer need or ask a question. an appointment with a pastor
https://cnchurch.setmore.comGive online
Donating to Cordova Neighborhood Church is easy. Use this link to give a one time gift or set up a reoccurring donation.