CrossWay Church

October 10, 2021: ONE Spirit - John 16:7-15
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
John 16:7-15: ONE Spirit
I) Passage Background
A) Part of the ____________ Room Discourse (teaching) that occurred before Jesus was arrested.
B) Jesus knows that he will be _____________ his disciples soon.
C) The Holy ____________ is a main focus of this teaching.
II) The disciples will benefit from Jesus's departure.
A) Jesus will complete his _______________ mission.
B) The Holy Spirit will come in ___________ way to believers.
1) Holy Spirit is God and was present at _______________. (Gen. 1:1,2)
2) This work of the Spirit was ______________ in the Old Testament. (Ezekiel 36:26,27; Joel 2:28)
3) The Holy Spirit will now _________ in the hearts of believers. (I Cor 6:19,20, Rom 8:9)
III) The Work of the Holy Spirit
A) The Holy Spirit will convince individuals of . . .
1) Sin: How they have missed the mark and are ____________ from God. (Rom 3:23)
2) Righteousness: We can _______ obtain our righteousness from Christ. (1 Cor. 5:21, Isaiah 64:6)
3) Judgment: Christ will face earthly punishment, but dispense __________ justice on Satan. (Phil 2:9-1, Heb 1:8)
B) The Holy Spirit will lead believers to the _________.
C) The Holy Spirit will ________________ believers to glorify Christ and build up His church. (Eph 4:11-16, Rom 12:3-8, 1 Cor 12:1-11)
D) True spirituality will always _________ to Christ.
I) Passage Background
A) Part of the ____________ Room Discourse (teaching) that occurred before Jesus was arrested.
B) Jesus knows that he will be _____________ his disciples soon.
C) The Holy ____________ is a main focus of this teaching.
II) The disciples will benefit from Jesus's departure.
A) Jesus will complete his _______________ mission.
B) The Holy Spirit will come in ___________ way to believers.
1) Holy Spirit is God and was present at _______________. (Gen. 1:1,2)
2) This work of the Spirit was ______________ in the Old Testament. (Ezekiel 36:26,27; Joel 2:28)
3) The Holy Spirit will now _________ in the hearts of believers. (I Cor 6:19,20, Rom 8:9)
III) The Work of the Holy Spirit
A) The Holy Spirit will convince individuals of . . .
1) Sin: How they have missed the mark and are ____________ from God. (Rom 3:23)
2) Righteousness: We can _______ obtain our righteousness from Christ. (1 Cor. 5:21, Isaiah 64:6)
3) Judgment: Christ will face earthly punishment, but dispense __________ justice on Satan. (Phil 2:9-1, Heb 1:8)
B) The Holy Spirit will lead believers to the _________.
C) The Holy Spirit will ________________ believers to glorify Christ and build up His church. (Eph 4:11-16, Rom 12:3-8, 1 Cor 12:1-11)
D) True spirituality will always _________ to Christ.