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The Bridge Church

Come and See

Come and See

October 17, 2021

Locations & Times

Englewood SKY Academy

871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Our Mission: We exist to help people find and follow Jesus Christ, here and around the world.

Matthew 28:19a (CSB)
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…"
What Is A Disciple?
1. A disciple knows and follows Christ
2. A disciple is being changed by Jesus
3. A disciple is committed to the mission of Christ
A disciple is a follower of Jesus who is being changed by Jesus and is committed to the mission of Jesus.

· INVEST: Make an investment in the relationship.
· INVITE: Invite them to “come and see.”
· INFORM: Share your salvation story and invite them to follow Christ.

I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
Text “Believe” to 941-909-3376. We will text you back a form, just fill it out and we would love to connect.

I need to be baptized.

I need to attend Starting Point on January 9

BibleProject | Writings of John:

Join me in reading: BibleProject | Writings of John
Dig Deeper

1. Discuss how you came to know and follow Jesus Christ. Was it a person, even a family member, who shared with you? Was it a Bible study or a sermon? Was it a circumstance? Was it a combination?

2. How would you define a disciple of Jesus Christ?

3. Why did Jesus ask the two disciples, “What are you looking for?” What is your answer to Jesus’ question, “What are you looking for?”

4. Read John 1:40-42. What was the first thing Andrew did after spending time with Jesus, and why?

5. What can we learn from Andrew in this story? If you were to leave right now and go tell a friend or a loved one about your encounter with Jesus, what would you tell them?

6. Nathanael was quick to judge Jesus based on where he was from (1:46). Are there people in your life (family, coworkers, neighbors, classmates, etc.) that you might write off as never becoming a disciple of Jesus?

7. We see in verses 44-46, Nathanael had some doubts about Philip’s message that Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecies and the Christ. What doubts do you have or hear from your friends and family? How might you model Philip’s response to those objections?

8. Verse 43 says that Jesus, “Found Philip,” and verse 45 says, “Philip found Nathanael.” How does this help us learn about sharing our faith with the people in our life?

9. What does Jesus invite Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip, Andrew, and us to do? What does this invitation mean?

10. Pastor Josh shared these three truths about a disciple: (1) Knows and follows Christ (2) Being Changed by Christ (3) Committed to the mission of Christ. Based first on John 1:35-51 and then Pastor Josh’s three truths about a disciple, discuss in more depth the characteristics of an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ?

11. What stuck out to you most (or which disciple) about the first five disciples of Jesus as found in John 1:35-51, and why?

12. What has been your personal experience of Jesus? What have you discovered about him? In what specific ways do you take him up on the invitation to “come and see”?

13. Who in your life needs Christ? Have you ever shared your faith with him/her? If not, why not? If so, how did it go?

Reading Plan
Monday: John 1:35-51
Tuesday: John 12:20-36
Wednesday: Luke 6:37-49
Thursday: Matthew 4:18-22
Friday: Matthew 28:16-20
Saturday: John 13

Suggested Resources
The Spurgeon Library | Characteristics of Christ’s Disciples:

discipleship book by Tony Evans:

We Have Found the Messiah | Desiring God:

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer