North Platte Berean Church

Covenant Requirement
What would you wish for if you knew it would come true? Perhaps a new or restored relationship, health, wealth, or freedom from some difficulty or besetting sin? What if we could have all of the above, but without the presence of God – would we be satisfied? Too often, we’re tricked into substituting God’s good gifts for God Himself. Our fixation on the gifts hinders us from finding the deep satisfaction that can only come from truly knowing Him. Will we join together to seek a deeper encounter with God’s glory, a greater sense of His presence and goodness in our lives? Or will we be distracted by, and settle for, lesser things?
Locations & Times
North Platte Berean Church
202 W 8th St, North Platte, NE 69101, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Sunday 6:00 PM
BibleProject "Character of God" series
More Details
• Sunday large gatherings: 8a, 9:15a, 11a, & 6p; livestream 9:15a at or anytime at
• Need a Bible? Free Bibles at information center in Commons.
• Sound levels: Assisted listening devices and earplugs available at sound booth in back of auditorium.
• Office hours: Mon.-Thu. 9a-4p (closed Tue. 1:30-2:30 for staff meeting).
• Find out more: Text npconnect to 97000, visit, email, or call 308-532-7448.
• Mother's Room: A private place to care for your baby and still connect to the gathering via livestream – follow signs north of auditorium.
• Kids Connect (infant-grade 5): Available at 9:15 and 11 a.m. – check-in east of Commons or upstairs from foyer. Kids also welcome in large gatherings. At-home resources:
• Sola (grades 6-12): ◆ Meet at Garage Café (across Vine St.) – main gatherings Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 p.m.; middle school also meets Sundays at 11 a.m. in the Upper Rooms.
• Online:
• Text: text any amount to 84321
• Mail: 202 W. 8th St., North Platte, NE 69101
Cards and checks can be made to Laura Kaspar directly or to NPBC and brought to the office.
Please write Kaspar Care on your ConnectCard if you'd like to be on a list to be contacted with physical needs in the weeks/months to come.
Leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
What does a growing relationship with Jesus Christ look like?
Treasuring God
Being Transformed
Loving Others
Pursuing Unity
are stiff-necked
deserve wrath
need an intercessor
Visit for more resources or to connect.
• Treasuring God: • Why did Moses intercede for Israel? Why does Jesus suffer on the cross for us? Read Romans 2:4. How do the acts of Jesus lead us to respond?
• Being Transformed: Where have we let other ideas outside the Bible influence our walk with God? What are those influences?
• Loving Others: When we are loving others, are we placing expectations on others? What underlying “strings” are we attaching to our love for people?
• Pursuing Unity: Moses is willing to give up an offer that would’ve benefited him for the sake of the Israelites. Are we willing to do the same? Where are we being called to sacrifice for the people in our community?