Fellowship of the Crossroads

Paul To Timothy: Character Matters
A true test of a person’s character is what they would do if they knew they would never get caught. Character is determined by ethics and ethics are determined by values, and our values come out of our theology. The way a person behaves, the things they do in life and in relationships with others, are a reflection of their values or their lack thereof. Character matters because it shows the world who you really are and what you really believe. Do you consciously work on your character? Or do you just do what you do without knowing why you do it? This week we will look at some of Paul’s words of wisdom for his young protégée Timothy as to why he should focus on his character.
Locations & Times
Fellowship of the Crossroads
3706 N Navarro St, Victoria, TX 77901, USA
Sunday 10:15 AM
Leadership is influence
the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.
someone who studies the nature of God, religion, and religious beliefs.
1. Theology _________________everything we do.
What are Ethics?
Ethics are the principles that guide us to make a positive impact through our decisions and actions. At its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles.
Ethics determine ones _______________________.
What do you have to do?