The Vine Church

Latch On
Aaron Dowds
Locations & Times
The Vine Church
131 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline KY11 4JU, UK
Sunday 10:00 AM
General notes on message:

Latch On
Full detailed study notes of Latch On available here: Church Giving
We are so thankful for the generosity of so many people at The Vine Church. Their support enables the vision of this local church to be outworked. order to get enough milk to satisfy and nourish, a baby needs to latch on.
This may seem easy and straightforward but mothers know that’s not always the case. There is expert advice and guides to help mothers achieve a good latch.
If the baby doesn’t latch on properly, it can suck all day and not receive enough of its mother’s pure milk. Over time this leads to hungry, unhappy and undernourished babies.
Similarly, as Christians, we also go hungry, unhappy and undernourished when we also fail to latch on properly. Is the church in general today hungry, unhappy and undernourished?
Peter teaches we are to like new-born infants who long/crave/drink deep/thirst for/earnestly desire pure spiritual milk.
This may seem easy and straightforward but mothers know that’s not always the case. There is expert advice and guides to help mothers achieve a good latch.
If the baby doesn’t latch on properly, it can suck all day and not receive enough of its mother’s pure milk. Over time this leads to hungry, unhappy and undernourished babies.
Similarly, as Christians, we also go hungry, unhappy and undernourished when we also fail to latch on properly. Is the church in general today hungry, unhappy and undernourished?
Peter teaches we are to like new-born infants who long/crave/drink deep/thirst for/earnestly desire pure spiritual milk.
El Shaddai
God has given us this picture of breastfeeding and how a new-born survives and thrives to help us understand how we as children of God are to survive and thrive spiritually.
One of the names of God in the Bible is El Shaddai. The original meaning of Shaddai is debated but ‘the Sufficient’ makes excellent sense when we see that El Shaddai is almost always used in the Old Testament in the context of God’s extravagant covenant provision. It reveals God as all-providing. Like a mother is sufficient and all-providing of the nursing and care and nutrition that a baby needs so is El Shaddai, the Sufficient One, the all-providing God.
One of the names of God in the Bible is El Shaddai. The original meaning of Shaddai is debated but ‘the Sufficient’ makes excellent sense when we see that El Shaddai is almost always used in the Old Testament in the context of God’s extravagant covenant provision. It reveals God as all-providing. Like a mother is sufficient and all-providing of the nursing and care and nutrition that a baby needs so is El Shaddai, the Sufficient One, the all-providing God.
Peter’s original readers would have been familiar with the use of milk as a symbol for spiritual nourishment which was used in Judaism and other religions.
This pure spiritual milk is a metaphor or word-picture for the nourishment that comes from drinking deeply of God and His Word (which are inseparable). The pure spiritual milk is the spiritual equivalent of milk. Once the baby has a taste for how good its mother’s milk is it will intensely crave that milk. Peter seems to imply that once we have tasted how good God is, like the new-born baby we will intensely crave more.
This pure spiritual milk is a metaphor or word-picture for the nourishment that comes from drinking deeply of God and His Word (which are inseparable). The pure spiritual milk is the spiritual equivalent of milk. Once the baby has a taste for how good its mother’s milk is it will intensely crave that milk. Peter seems to imply that once we have tasted how good God is, like the new-born baby we will intensely crave more.

Charles Price on El Shaddai
“The word Shad is the Hebrew for “breast.” It is used invariably throughout the Old Testament for the breast of a woman. It is the place from which the baby derives the food that gives it strength. The life of the mother flows into the babe. Her strength, love, solicitude, and care all flow into the life and body of the sweet little bundle that came from her and is always a part of her. Thus an eternal God wrapped up an infinite truth in picturesque words and gave it as a gift to Abraham—and to you and me. What God meant was “Draw from Me, Abraham, all the strength and sustenance you need. I am the Strong One, the Nourisher, and the Life-Giver. Draw for your weakness from the fountain of my strength, even as a babe draws from his mother’s breast the milk of life…
God is the unfailing and unlimited source of all that we need: grace to cover all our sins, love that pardons all our iniquity, stripes sufficient for all our healing, strength for all our weakness. We believe that, but herein we’ve failed. We believe that God gives it, but we haven’t learned how to receive it. The mother gives the milk to her babe, but the little one must receive it.
The infusion of the divine strength and nature is dependent upon two things: your knowledge that God is willing to give, and your learning how to receive. As unfailing and irrevocable as the law of the seedtime and the harvest is the great truth that God is always ready to meet your every need, if only you are ready to receive His supply.
Praise His Name, He is still El Shaddai! Paul admonished us to become “partakers of the divine nature,” and Christ Himself said, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” The God who was mighty enough and sufficient for every need of Abraham, longs for us to learn the lesson of drawing from Him all that we need for every moment of every passing day.”
— The Real Faith for Healing by Charles Price
God is the unfailing and unlimited source of all that we need: grace to cover all our sins, love that pardons all our iniquity, stripes sufficient for all our healing, strength for all our weakness. We believe that, but herein we’ve failed. We believe that God gives it, but we haven’t learned how to receive it. The mother gives the milk to her babe, but the little one must receive it.
The infusion of the divine strength and nature is dependent upon two things: your knowledge that God is willing to give, and your learning how to receive. As unfailing and irrevocable as the law of the seedtime and the harvest is the great truth that God is always ready to meet your every need, if only you are ready to receive His supply.
Praise His Name, He is still El Shaddai! Paul admonished us to become “partakers of the divine nature,” and Christ Himself said, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” The God who was mighty enough and sufficient for every need of Abraham, longs for us to learn the lesson of drawing from Him all that we need for every moment of every passing day.”
— The Real Faith for Healing by Charles Price
David tells his soul and directs his soul using words to remind his memory of truth:
Why should he now sing? Because the LORD has dealt bountifully with him and he has been weaned like a child with its mother.
Why does a mother nurse and care for its baby so well? Because of the mother’s unfailing love for her child. How much greater is God’s unfailing love, mercy and kindness for his children? The unfailing love of a mother is strong in her heart, mind, feelings and emotions and yet this is expressed through her weaning actions taking care of the baby’s needs. God’s lovingkindness is no less. Yes, it is in his heart, mind, feelings and emotions yet it is expressed in dealing with his children bountifully. When this is believed and received by latching on it leads to a soul which is satisfied or satiated. This is a soul that is completely satisfied that is does not need any more. What is the result of a soul that is satiated?
Why does a mother nurse and care for its baby so well? Because of the mother’s unfailing love for her child. How much greater is God’s unfailing love, mercy and kindness for his children? The unfailing love of a mother is strong in her heart, mind, feelings and emotions and yet this is expressed through her weaning actions taking care of the baby’s needs. God’s lovingkindness is no less. Yes, it is in his heart, mind, feelings and emotions yet it is expressed in dealing with his children bountifully. When this is believed and received by latching on it leads to a soul which is satisfied or satiated. This is a soul that is completely satisfied that is does not need any more. What is the result of a soul that is satiated?
Reckless Love Instrumental
Practice silence and rest and receiving His love. Listen to this song and just receive what He wants to pour into you: His love, His grace, His strength, His comfort, His healing, renewed confidence in His love for you. Just receive His peace and presence as you rest silently. soul at this point has wandered from rest. Yet David tells his soul to return to rest. And what is the reason he gives. Because the LORD has dealt bountifully with you, he tells his soul. It’s quite incredible that the word chosen here translated as bountifully is גָּמַל - gâmal and means to treat a person well or deal bountifully with. [2] It’s the same Hebrew word that is used for weaned in Psalm 131:2.
[2] H1580 (Strong)
A primitive root; to treat a person (well or ill), that is, benefit or requite; by implication (of toil) to ripen, that is, (specifically) to wean: - bestow on, deal bountifully, do (good), recompense, requite, reward, ripen, + serve, wean, yield.” Strong, James. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Abingdon Press, 1890.
[2] H1580 (Strong)
A primitive root; to treat a person (well or ill), that is, benefit or requite; by implication (of toil) to ripen, that is, (specifically) to wean: - bestow on, deal bountifully, do (good), recompense, requite, reward, ripen, + serve, wean, yield.” Strong, James. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Abingdon Press, 1890.
We are so thankful for the generosity of so many people at The Vine Church. Their support enables the vision of this local church to be outworked. Over and above Sunday morning voluntary offerings, there are a number of ways in which you can give.
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Free Christian Bible Study Netflix for you
RightNow Media
RightNow Media is a library of thousands of videos for all ages and stages of life that we are providing to our attenders for free. Think of it as a free subscription to Netflix with content that is designed to help you grow in your faith, family, and relationships. We are providing you with hours of content to encourage, strengthen, grow & challenge you. Use it for entertainment, teaching, small group prep, family time, etc. The content is for you to use as you please.
RightNow Media is a library of thousands of videos for all ages and stages of life that we are providing to our attenders for free. Think of it as a free subscription to Netflix with content that is designed to help you grow in your faith, family, and relationships. We are providing you with hours of content to encourage, strengthen, grow & challenge you. Use it for entertainment, teaching, small group prep, family time, etc. The content is for you to use as you please.
Vine Kids
We are pleased to welcome new children and their families to Vine Church Children’s Gangs.
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Prayer Request or Praise Report
If you have a prayer request or want to tell us about answered prayer, please do so here.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
Join a Life Group
In an age where people lack community, Life Groups provide the ideal environment for friendship, connection and growth.
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Synergie Youth
Synergie – A coming together producing something GREAT!
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Join a Team
“Our Church is not built on the talents and gifts of a few but on the sacrifice of many.” –Brian Houston
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
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