Revolution Church

October 10, 2021 Group / Personal Study Guide
Use this simple study guide to help you dig deeper into the weekend message with your family, your small group, or even act as a guide during your own personal quiet time with God. Grab your Bible or Bible App and a journal and write down what God puts on your heart!
Locations & Times
Revolution Church
9360 Corporate Dr #106, Selma, TX 78154, USA
Tuesday 6:00 PM
Worship While You Dig
Check out the Revolution Church worship playlist on Spotify while you dig deeper! is an attitude of the heart freely expressed.
Three ways worship is expressed in the Bible:
1. Verbally
2. Physically
3. Financially
Three ways worship is expressed in the Bible:
1. Verbally
2. Physically
3. Financially
Worship is for all times, (not just good times).
Worship gets us above complaining & negativity.
Worship prepares the way for God to work in the dark seasons.
Start Sharing
Choose a question to create openness.
• What does worship mean to you? How did this message help shape that definition?
• Have you ever worshiped with raised hands? How did that posture change your perspective of God?
• How have you noticed your mood or circumstances affecting how you participate in worship?
• What gets in the way of you being the kind of worshiper God deserves?
What are some battles you’re facing? How could you attack these problems with praise?
Choose a question to create openness.
• What does worship mean to you? How did this message help shape that definition?
• Have you ever worshiped with raised hands? How did that posture change your perspective of God?
• How have you noticed your mood or circumstances affecting how you participate in worship?
• What gets in the way of you being the kind of worshiper God deserves?
What are some battles you’re facing? How could you attack these problems with praise?
Start Praying
Be bold and pray with power.
• Father God, you alone are worthy of our worship and praise. Help us to learn to worship you in the ways that you desire. Give us the boldness and courage to lift our voices and our hands in praise of all you have done for us. remember that we can choose to love and forgive others because You first chose to love and forgive us. Heal our hearts from offense, and help us to pray for, bless, and do good to others, no matter how they have treated us. We love You, Lord, and we choose to value and love all people, just as You do. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!
Be bold and pray with power.
• Father God, you alone are worthy of our worship and praise. Help us to learn to worship you in the ways that you desire. Give us the boldness and courage to lift our voices and our hands in praise of all you have done for us. remember that we can choose to love and forgive others because You first chose to love and forgive us. Heal our hearts from offense, and help us to pray for, bless, and do good to others, no matter how they have treated us. We love You, Lord, and we choose to value and love all people, just as You do. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!
Start Doing
Commit to take a bold step of faith this week and make it practical!
• Share a time when you felt like lifting your hands in victory and surrender.
• How can our group hold up each other’s arms this week?
• What’s one battle our group can worship through together? How will we communicate during the week about any breakthroughs or victories?
Commit to take a bold step of faith this week and make it practical!
• Share a time when you felt like lifting your hands in victory and surrender.
• How can our group hold up each other’s arms this week?
• What’s one battle our group can worship through together? How will we communicate during the week about any breakthroughs or victories?