Momentum Church
ATL: Above the Line
ATL 4 :: Pastor Ross Wiseman
Locations & Times
Momentum Church
659 Arnold Mill Rd, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Embracing radical responsibility will move you from life happening to you to life happening by you.
2 Parts to Responsibility:
1. We have to commit to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of our lives and for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
2. We also have to commit to supporting others to take full responsibility for their lives. The opposite of this would be committing to blaming others for what is wrong in our lives - causing us to fall into the Hero-Victim-Villain drama triangle.
1. We have to commit to taking full responsibility for the circumstances of our lives and for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.
2. We also have to commit to supporting others to take full responsibility for their lives. The opposite of this would be committing to blaming others for what is wrong in our lives - causing us to fall into the Hero-Victim-Villain drama triangle.
The Pattern of Protecting our Egos:
1. Something doesn't go the way we think it should.
2. We become stuck in fear (anger is often fear in disguise)
3. We blame others, the system, even ourselves. (Pity)
4. Out actions solidify around the roles of Victim-Villain-Hero
1. Something doesn't go the way we think it should.
2. We become stuck in fear (anger is often fear in disguise)
3. We blame others, the system, even ourselves. (Pity)
4. Out actions solidify around the roles of Victim-Villain-Hero
- See themselves at the "effect of" circumstances.
- Something is being done "to them" by someone or something outside of their control.
- See themselves at the "effect of" circumstances.
- Something is being done "to them" by someone or something outside of their control.
- Find fault and place blame.
- They deal with fear or anxiety by "pointing the finger" looking for who or what is to blame.
- Find fault and place blame.
- They deal with fear or anxiety by "pointing the finger" looking for who or what is to blame.
- They seek to temporarily relieve this discomfort without really dealing with the issue.
- Heroes typically take more of their share of the responsibility.
- This lead to burnout, and usually doesn't lead others in the circumstance that is causing tension to take their share of responsibility.
- They seek to temporarily relieve this discomfort without really dealing with the issue.
- Heroes typically take more of their share of the responsibility.
- This lead to burnout, and usually doesn't lead others in the circumstance that is causing tension to take their share of responsibility.
We “take” responsibility. But we “place” blame.
Placing is moving something away from ourselves.
Taking is moving something towards ourselves.
Placing is moving something away from ourselves.
Taking is moving something towards ourselves.
When we place blame:
We locate the cause and control outside of ourselves and influence.
When we take responsibility:
We locate the cause & control inside of ourselves and our influence.
We locate the cause and control outside of ourselves and influence.
When we take responsibility:
We locate the cause & control inside of ourselves and our influence.
When we stop living in the victim-villain-hero mode we naturally invite others to do the same without even saying a word.
E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome)
We don’t control the events in life, but we always have control over how we choose to respond.
E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome)
We don’t control the events in life, but we always have control over how we choose to respond.
The 100% Rule
-I am 100% responsible for my feelings.
-I am 100% responsible for my thoughts.
-I am 100% responsible for my speech/actions.
-I am 100% responsible for my behavior.
-I am 100% responsible for my impact/influence on others.
-I am 100% responsible for my feelings.
-I am 100% responsible for my thoughts.
-I am 100% responsible for my speech/actions.
-I am 100% responsible for my behavior.
-I am 100% responsible for my impact/influence on others.
It’s “My” Choice
Other people don’t make me mad, sad, or glad.
-I choose to feel mad, sad, glad etc.
-I choose to think mad, sad, glad, etc.
-I choose to act mad, sad, glad, etc.
-I choose to speak mad, sad, glad, etc.
-I choose to behave mad, sad, glad, etc.
We choose to feel, think, act, speak or behave as we determine.
Other people don’t make me mad, sad, or glad.
-I choose to feel mad, sad, glad etc.
-I choose to think mad, sad, glad, etc.
-I choose to act mad, sad, glad, etc.
-I choose to speak mad, sad, glad, etc.
-I choose to behave mad, sad, glad, etc.
We choose to feel, think, act, speak or behave as we determine.
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