StoneBridge Community Church

The Moses Legacy: Exodus - "Bread From Heaven"
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Thursday 5:00 PM
Thursday 5:59 PM
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Thanks for partnering with us in our mission to reach people with the good news of God's love, to make disciples, and to send them out. Secure online giving via PayPal. Moses Legacy: Exodus
In this sermon series, we will be looking at six key events in the life of Moses. Moses is one of the central characters in scripture to whom Jesus is regularly compared. By looking closely at how God interacted with Moses, we can get a better sense of how God interacts with us and how the New Testament writers responded to God's work through Moses.
In this sermon series, we will be looking at six key events in the life of Moses. Moses is one of the central characters in scripture to whom Jesus is regularly compared. By looking closely at how God interacted with Moses, we can get a better sense of how God interacts with us and how the New Testament writers responded to God's work through Moses.
Sermon Outline
I. Complaints
A. Normal
B. Often times, reasonable
C. In excess, can make us selfish.
D. How do we not get consumed by our complaints?
II. Israel in dessert
A. Story of complaints.
B. Israel doesn't have food - this is legitimate.
C. Israel forgets three key things.
1. Who they are.
2. Who God has called them to be.
3. Who God is.
D. God's provision reminds Israel of these three things.
III. God blesses Israel
A. Provision allows Israel's journey to continue, allowing Israel to fulfill call.
B. Not extravagant.
C. Just enough.
IV. How do we not become overwhelmed?
A. Remember who we are.
B. Remember who God calls us to be.
D. Remember who God is.
E. Practice Generosity.
V. Generosity
A. Rooted in God's provision.
B. Discipline.
C. Practice.
I. Complaints
A. Normal
B. Often times, reasonable
C. In excess, can make us selfish.
D. How do we not get consumed by our complaints?
II. Israel in dessert
A. Story of complaints.
B. Israel doesn't have food - this is legitimate.
C. Israel forgets three key things.
1. Who they are.
2. Who God has called them to be.
3. Who God is.
D. God's provision reminds Israel of these three things.
III. God blesses Israel
A. Provision allows Israel's journey to continue, allowing Israel to fulfill call.
B. Not extravagant.
C. Just enough.
IV. How do we not become overwhelmed?
A. Remember who we are.
B. Remember who God calls us to be.
D. Remember who God is.
E. Practice Generosity.
V. Generosity
A. Rooted in God's provision.
B. Discipline.
C. Practice.
Artwork of the Bread from Heaven
Just because it's fun to put an image to Bible stories sometimes, here is the google page of artistic depictions of Exodus 16. of the 5,000
Just as a reminder, the feeding of the 5000 in all four gospels pulls us back to Exodus 16. Below is the feeding of the 5000 from the Gospel of Matthew.
Just as a reminder, the feeding of the 5000 in all four gospels pulls us back to Exodus 16. Below is the feeding of the 5000 from the Gospel of Matthew.
1. How do you handle complaints? Do you voice them? Internalize them?
2. Can you describe a time when you were overwhelmed by complaints? Either your own or of others?
3. Pastor Jon talked about how being lost in our own complaints can lead to selfishness. How has this played out in your life?
4. Practicing generosity can help pull us out of our complaints. How do you practice generosity now?
5. In what ways have you seen God's provision show up in your life?
1. How do you handle complaints? Do you voice them? Internalize them?
2. Can you describe a time when you were overwhelmed by complaints? Either your own or of others?
3. Pastor Jon talked about how being lost in our own complaints can lead to selfishness. How has this played out in your life?
4. Practicing generosity can help pull us out of our complaints. How do you practice generosity now?
5. In what ways have you seen God's provision show up in your life?
1. Reflect on your life. What complaints do you have now? Lay those at God's feet in prayer.
2. Reflect on God's past deeds. How has God prepared for the call God has placed on your life in the past? How has God provided for you so that you could fulfill God's call?
3. Hand over the areas in your life that you need provision in now. Lift them up to God in prayer.
4. Find an organization or church to which you can give financially, to practice generosity. The amount doesn't matter. This is a way of practicing generosity and displaying trust in God's provision.
1. Reflect on your life. What complaints do you have now? Lay those at God's feet in prayer.
2. Reflect on God's past deeds. How has God prepared for the call God has placed on your life in the past? How has God provided for you so that you could fulfill God's call?
3. Hand over the areas in your life that you need provision in now. Lift them up to God in prayer.
4. Find an organization or church to which you can give financially, to practice generosity. The amount doesn't matter. This is a way of practicing generosity and displaying trust in God's provision.
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