The Bridge Church

Grace and Truth
October 3, 2021
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
1. We are called to be witnesses to the Light
2. We are accepted into the family of God when we receive Jesus by faith
· Adoption is not just part of the gospel. It is at the heart of the gospel.
· I cannot be saved by my heritage
“who were born, not of natural descent…” John 1:13a (CSB)
“who were born, not of natural descent…” John 1:13a (CSB)
· I cannot be saved by my effort
“…or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God. John 1:13b (CSB)
“…or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God. John 1:13b (CSB)
3. We are called to be people of grace and truth
“In God’s incarnation, in the human Jesus of Nazareth, the Absolute became relative, the Almighty – a baby, the Ancient of Days- nowadays, the Divine – human, the Eternal – temporal, the Immortal – mortal, the Infinite – finite.”
F.D. Bruner
F.D. Bruner
· Dwelt (Skēnoō) - Jesus tabernacled among us
We aren’t called to be only "grace people" or "truth people." We're called to both radically.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
Text “Believe” to 941-909-3376. We will text you back a form, just fill it out and we would love to connect.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point on October 10
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
Text “Believe” to 941-909-3376. We will text you back a form, just fill it out and we would love to connect.
I need to be baptized.
I need to attend Starting Point on October 10
BibleProject | Writings of John:
Join me in reading: BibleProject | Writings of John Deeper
1. In your own words, define the terms “Grace” and “Truth.” What meaning(s) do these words relay?
2. What does it mean to receive Jesus? What are the results of receiving Jesus (vs. 12-13)?
3. Read John 8:58; 17:24; and 1:1. What do these verses teach us about Christ’s “life” timeline?
4. Read John 1:9-14. What does the true Light do for everyone? How did the world respond to the true Light when He was in the world? Did His own people receive Him? What did He do for the people who did receive Him? How were these receiving people born?
5. According to John 1:14-18, what aspects of God's character has Jesus revealed to us?
6. Verse 14 says, "The Word became flesh." Which of these statements accurately describes Jesus?
A. He is 100% God and 100% man
B. He is 50% God and 50% man
C. Sometimes he is God and sometimes he is man
7. Why is the incarnation so important? Why is it important that Jesus is both man and God?
8. Read John 1:16-18. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” What does that mean? How is the Biblical truth and grace different than a worldly truth and grace?
9. Why do we need both grace and truth? When truth is missing, what's the result? When grace is missing, what's the result?
10. Is there such a thing as too much grace or too much truth? Grace and truth — one of the other great tensions in the history of the world. We don't get to choose to be "grace people" or "truth people." We're called to both radically.
11. Share how you have experienced grace and truth recently. In what ways do you need Jesus’ grace today? How about Jesus’ truth?
12. How are you participating with God in His mission? How can you? What’s a next step you can take in this area?
Reading Plan
Monday: John 1:6-18
Tuesday: Philippians 2
Wednesday: Hebrews 4: 14-16
Thursday: 2 Corinthians 12:6-10
Friday: 2 John 1
Saturday: Psalm 86
Suggested Resources
The Grace and Truth Paradox, by Randy Alcorn
1. In your own words, define the terms “Grace” and “Truth.” What meaning(s) do these words relay?
2. What does it mean to receive Jesus? What are the results of receiving Jesus (vs. 12-13)?
3. Read John 8:58; 17:24; and 1:1. What do these verses teach us about Christ’s “life” timeline?
4. Read John 1:9-14. What does the true Light do for everyone? How did the world respond to the true Light when He was in the world? Did His own people receive Him? What did He do for the people who did receive Him? How were these receiving people born?
5. According to John 1:14-18, what aspects of God's character has Jesus revealed to us?
6. Verse 14 says, "The Word became flesh." Which of these statements accurately describes Jesus?
A. He is 100% God and 100% man
B. He is 50% God and 50% man
C. Sometimes he is God and sometimes he is man
7. Why is the incarnation so important? Why is it important that Jesus is both man and God?
8. Read John 1:16-18. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” What does that mean? How is the Biblical truth and grace different than a worldly truth and grace?
9. Why do we need both grace and truth? When truth is missing, what's the result? When grace is missing, what's the result?
10. Is there such a thing as too much grace or too much truth? Grace and truth — one of the other great tensions in the history of the world. We don't get to choose to be "grace people" or "truth people." We're called to both radically.
11. Share how you have experienced grace and truth recently. In what ways do you need Jesus’ grace today? How about Jesus’ truth?
12. How are you participating with God in His mission? How can you? What’s a next step you can take in this area?
Reading Plan
Monday: John 1:6-18
Tuesday: Philippians 2
Wednesday: Hebrews 4: 14-16
Thursday: 2 Corinthians 12:6-10
Friday: 2 John 1
Saturday: Psalm 86
Suggested Resources
The Grace and Truth Paradox, by Randy Alcorn