Revolution Church

September 26, 2021 Group / Personal Study Guide
Use this simple study guide to help you dig deeper into the weekend message with your family, your small group, or even act as a guide during your own personal quiet time with God. Grab your Bible or Bible App and a journal and write down what God puts on your heart!
Locations & Times
Revolution Church
9360 Corporate Dr #106, Selma, TX 78154, USA
Thursday 6:00 PM
Worship While You Dig
Check out the Revolution Church worship playlist on Spotify while you dig deeper! Idea
In this week’s message, Pastor Zak continued our new relationship series, with the purpose of helping us return to God’s values and design for families in an ever-changing culture. There’s a mentality pervasive in our culture today that says, “If we have enough money and a high enough social status, our kids will have everything they need.” So the family value system becomes: Money, Status, Family. This leads to all kinds of dysfunction. The truth is, if we have God, our children will have everything they need. The Biblical family value system we need to have is: God, family. This is how we build a family that will last. Let’s return to Biblical values in our families, and let the One who designed relationships define them!
In this week’s message, Pastor Zak continued our new relationship series, with the purpose of helping us return to God’s values and design for families in an ever-changing culture. There’s a mentality pervasive in our culture today that says, “If we have enough money and a high enough social status, our kids will have everything they need.” So the family value system becomes: Money, Status, Family. This leads to all kinds of dysfunction. The truth is, if we have God, our children will have everything they need. The Biblical family value system we need to have is: God, family. This is how we build a family that will last. Let’s return to Biblical values in our families, and let the One who designed relationships define them!
Jesus promises serious difficulties in this life.
Jesus promises security and strength to those who obey His Word.
Jesus promises failure to those who disobey His Word.
1. Surrender your life and your family to the Lordship of Jesus and His Word.
Jesus promises security and strength to those who obey His Word.
Jesus promises failure to those who disobey His Word.
1. Surrender your life and your family to the Lordship of Jesus and His Word.
2. Trust your Heavenly Father to meet your needs and care for you.
3. Think 3 - live out vision that outlives you.
4. Keep your family in a Bible believing church where they can be grounded spiritually and build strong relationships.
4. Keep your family in a Bible believing church where they can be grounded spiritually and build strong relationships.
Start Sharing
Choose a question to create openness.
• Pastor Zak said that people build their lives on foundations of sand (the world’s way) versus the rock (God’s way) because sand is comfortable, popular, and conformable. When you consider your own family, do you think its foundation is built on sand or on the rock? What changes do you need to make to build your family on the rock, or how will you continue to stand firm on the rock?
• How do you think your current behavior might affect generations to come? Is there anything that has been passed down to your family from previous generations that needs to be removed?
• As a group, discuss and write down what marriages and families look like when they’re built on God’s values. What do you need to do practically to implement those values in your family?
Choose a question to create openness.
• Pastor Zak said that people build their lives on foundations of sand (the world’s way) versus the rock (God’s way) because sand is comfortable, popular, and conformable. When you consider your own family, do you think its foundation is built on sand or on the rock? What changes do you need to make to build your family on the rock, or how will you continue to stand firm on the rock?
• How do you think your current behavior might affect generations to come? Is there anything that has been passed down to your family from previous generations that needs to be removed?
• As a group, discuss and write down what marriages and families look like when they’re built on God’s values. What do you need to do practically to implement those values in your family?
Start Praying
Be bold and pray with power.
• Father, thank You for giving us a solid foundation through Your Word and through relationship with Jesus. Help us to have a healthy, Biblical value system in our lives that places You, then our families, first. We surrender our lives to You, trust You, and commit to building our families on the values You have laid out for us. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!
Be bold and pray with power.
• Father, thank You for giving us a solid foundation through Your Word and through relationship with Jesus. Help us to have a healthy, Biblical value system in our lives that places You, then our families, first. We surrender our lives to You, trust You, and commit to building our families on the values You have laid out for us. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!
Group Leader Tips
• Be prepared to encourage your group by sharing how God’s values have shaped the foundation of your family. If there are areas in which you need to grow, be transparent and share with the group so they will feel comfortable opening up as well.
• Be prepared to encourage your group by sharing how God’s values have shaped the foundation of your family. If there are areas in which you need to grow, be transparent and share with the group so they will feel comfortable opening up as well.
Start Doing
Commit to take a bold step of faith this week
• We need to surrender our lives and our families to the Lordship of Jesus and His Word. Let’s make the Bible the final authority in our lives.
• We need to trust God as our Heavenly Father to meet our needs and care for us.
• We need to think about the generational effects of our behavior and plan accordingly.
• We need to keep our families in a Bible-preaching and believing church where they can be grounded spiritually and build strong relationships
Commit to take a bold step of faith this week
• We need to surrender our lives and our families to the Lordship of Jesus and His Word. Let’s make the Bible the final authority in our lives.
• We need to trust God as our Heavenly Father to meet our needs and care for us.
• We need to think about the generational effects of our behavior and plan accordingly.
• We need to keep our families in a Bible-preaching and believing church where they can be grounded spiritually and build strong relationships