Lifeway Church

The Art of Having Extraordinary Faith
We live in a very tumultuous time. There is a lot confusion and doubt and it can be very easy to feel insecure in the inconsistencies in our world. But because our God is SO BIG, we can have a BIG FAITH that is absolutely confident that no matter our circumstances, God is in control and he’s leveraging bad things for good purposes. God wants to explode your faith into that kind of extraordinary faith, but like anything that you want to excel at, it requires discipline. Let's talk about those things that God uses to grow your faith into an extraordinary faith.
Locations & Times
Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus
114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM

Know and Obey
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Extraordinary faith is the absolute confidence that God is with you and you can trust Him.
What fuels and facilitates the development of enduring, extraordinary faith?
When you decided to follow Jesus and receive his forgiveness you were making a commitment to follow Him and participate in the practices and habits that help you grow in your faith.
God uses relationships to initiate, fuel, and strengthen your faith.
God has created you to be a worshiper.
Scripture is for application not information.
Application is knowing and obeying.
People who know and obey the rules are the happiest people.
The happiest people are happy because when you know and obey the rules, in the end, you have are no regrets.
Knowing and obeying God’s word builds rock solid faith that God is true to His Word.
If you're going to have extraordinary faith, you have to make a commitment to, daily, reading God's word and apply it.
Personal Study Resource Guide to S.O.A.P. Arrows Bible Study process happens when you obey what you know.
Unapplied truth is like unapplied paint. It doesn’t do anyone any good. The value is in the application.
Knowing and doing exercises and grows your faith into extraordinary faith.