Redeemer Church Mauritius
A Radical Escape - Phil Kendon
Every chapter in the book of Acts is full of radical adventures as the disciples of Jesus become a community of people called the Church. The story follows the lives of individuals – from Peter the apostle, to Rhoda the servant girl. In this chapter, we see the miraculous escape of Peter from prison and his humorous interaction with the church who couldn’t believe that he was standing at the door. There are lessons for us to learn about prayer, about faith, and about playing our part in the mission of Jesus like those disciples who have gone before us. We will face challenges along the way, we may disappoint ourselves and others, but God is faithful and he will guide us into all that he has planned for our lives and for his church.
Locations & Times
Redeemer EastCoast
Above Le Bistrot, Coastal Rd, Mahebourg, Mauritius
Sunday 9:00 AM
Life doesn’t suddenly get easy just because we believe in Jesus, but God works everything together for good in our lives.
Prayer should be our first action, not something we try when everything else has failed.
God did the impossible by releasing Peter from prison and he will do miracles for us too.
Rhoda the servant girl is the hero of this story – what’s stopping you from stepping out in faith for God?
When you don’t know what to do: Pray