Darby Creek Church [DCC]

Darby Creek Church Worship Service for September 19, 2021
Sermon notes for church service at Darby Creek Church on Sunday, September 19th, 2021. Service starts at 10:30a
Locations & Times
Darby Creek Church [DCC]
1145 Amity Rd, Galloway, OH 43119, USA
Sunday 10:15 AM

Get In Touch With Us!
We’d love to hear from you! If you have a question, comment, or prayer request please fill out this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
For your convenience you may put your offering in one of the donation boxes located near the back of the main meeting room or in the cafe area.
Check out our online giving options, too by following the link below.
https://www.darbycreek.org/donate/Check out our online giving options, too by following the link below.
Music from today
-Open The Eyes Of My Heart
-Way Maker
-Is He Worthy?
-Raise A Hallelujah
-Open The Eyes Of My Heart
-Way Maker
-Is He Worthy?
-Raise A Hallelujah

Profile of a False Teacher [September 19] Greg Burlile
Characteristics of a False Teacher
1: They come from within the church
Vs 1 “false teachers AMONG YOU"
1: They come from within the church
Vs 1 “false teachers AMONG YOU"
2: They don’t announce themselves
Vs 1 “who will SECRETLY bring destructive heresies”
Vs 1 “who will SECRETLY bring destructive heresies”
3: Their teachings are destructive and often divisive
Vs 1 “bring in DESTRUCTIVE heresies”
Vs 1 “bring in DESTRUCTIVE heresies”
4: Their teachings are unorthodox
The teachings are contrary to the teachings handed down to us by the Apostles Teaching and are not according to the clear teaching of the Bible.
The teachings are contrary to the teachings handed down to us by the Apostles Teaching and are not according to the clear teaching of the Bible.
5: Their lifestyle is one of sensuality
Vs 2: “And many will follow their sensuality”
Vs 2: “And many will follow their sensuality”
6: They will lie to get money
Vs 3 “And in their greed they will exploit you with false words.”
Vs 3 “And in their greed they will exploit you with false words.”
The Impact of these False Teachers
1: Impact Inside the Church:
Vs 2 “And many will follow”
2: Impact Outside the Church:
Vs 2 “and because of them the WAY OF TRUTH WILL BE BLASPHEMED”
1: Impact Inside the Church:
Vs 2 “And many will follow”
2: Impact Outside the Church:
Vs 2 “and because of them the WAY OF TRUTH WILL BE BLASPHEMED”
The False Teachers End: Their End is Destruction
Vs 1 “bringing upon themselves swift destruction”
Vs 3 “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”
Vs 1 “bringing upon themselves swift destruction”
Vs 3 “Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.”
Peace With God
Want to know how to become a Christian and to have peace with God? Check out the link below.
Miss a Weekend?
You can listen to past messages online, view sermon notes and slides from those messages!