Palmyra Grace Church
Nehemiah - Sept. 12th 2021
When God calls us to Himself, He does so for a very specific purpose. God will never do something great through us until He does something significant in us first. He wants to use someone whose heart is completely His. Nehemiah was a normal, everyday, average guy who develops a burden in his heart for the brokenness he encounters. He has a radical faith and a courageous soul, and determines to do what God is calling him to with great faith. Throughout his story, Nehemiah exercises personal commitment and has a profound ability to adapt as both a practical and spiritual leader. His heart breaks for broken walls and he does something about it. Does God really have a purpose for you? If you give yourself to Him, He will plant a burden inside you that will grow into a holy discontent – you will identify a broken wall that wrecks you – and you just have to be a part of it. If you let God have your whole heart, He will mess with your life, and like Nehemiah, He will use you to impact the world in ways you could never even imagine.
Locations & Times
799 Airport Rd, Palmyra, PA 17078, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Grace Group Questions
When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why?
If you could make a difference in the world, and time, money, and skill were no object, what would you want to do?What breaks your heart? What might be something you can do about that?
Read Nehemiah 1:2-6. What can you learn about engaging broken places from Nehemiah’s example?
We begin to discern our God-Sized burden by; mourning, praying, and then sharing. Where are you in this process?
How can we as a Group Group use our collective passions, skills, and resources that God has given us to start engaging broken places?
Start praying. Be bold and pray with power together:
Father, we thank You for giving us the opportunity to partner with You engaging broken places. Reveal to us ways we can serve You while pursuing the burdens we have with the passions You’ve given us. Stay by our side as we take our first steps toward Engaging our world with Your Good News. In Jesus’ name, amen.