Puyallup Nazarene Church
Winning Your Inner Fights
The practical wisdom of James bores deep into our inner motivations and struggles. Outward circumstances fuel our inner fears and insecurities. We need divine help and strength.....God is generous and will provide what we need.
Locations & Times
  • Puyallup Nazarene Church
    1026 7th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371, USA
    Friday 8:30 AM
The fight starts in you.....verse 1 & 2
Outward circumstances and threats only fuel in inner desires for control and self preservation.
God graciously battles for your life.
Wake up....obey God....submit to God

Take Action....Stand up to the Devil and Draw Near to God.
Discussion and Application Questions for Group Life Communities and Personal Study- James 4: 1-12

- According to James, what is the root of fights and quarrels among the people of God?

- What does this passage tell you about God? About people?

- What imperative/command in verses 7-10 stands out to you? Why?

- What do you think friendship with the world means? Why does James reject friendship with the world?

- Why is it difficult to submit to God?

- Why is spiritual purity important to a relationship with God? (verse 8)

- In what ways does pride get in the way of your relationship with God?

- What other gods are you tempted to follow instead of Jesus?

- What area of your life do you need to submit to God?

- What practices can you put in place that will help you resist the devil this week?

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