Kihei Baptist Chapel

Sunday, August 22, 2021 Worship Gathering
Worship Gathering of Kihei Baptist Chapel. Series: Your Kingdom Come. Title: The King's Order Text: Varied Speaker: Jay Armstrong
Locations & Times
Kihei Baptist Chapel
1655 S Kihei Rd, Kihei, HI 96753, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM

Today's Message: The King's Order
Series Emphasis: Christ is King. The gospel is a message about the King and the present availability of life in His Kingdom for those who believe and follow Him. To these He gives the power to become children of the King. The church is the family of God gathered, a training ground where the King's children are equipped to be His Ambassadors, as well as an outpost of the Kingdom across the globe. The mission of every Kingdom citizen is to become like the King taking His life-giving message to the world as we live and love like Him.
Series Overview: A Kingdom Focused Church ...
1. Understands and is committed to the Gospel of the Kingdom
2. Consists of Real Disciples and is committed to Disciple Making (succession)
3. Learns from & adheres to the Scriptures as the King’s own words
4. Loves and Obeys the Lord Jesus Christ as King
5. Loves and Commits to one another as Family Members in the King’s Household
6. Loves and Serves those in need as part of a Worldwide Revolution of Agape Love.
7. Organizes itself and is lead by Servant Leaders who promote Sacrificial Love and Service
8. Thrives in and looks for God’s Kingdom Activity and the Return of the King
1. Understands and is committed to the Gospel of the Kingdom
2. Consists of Real Disciples and is committed to Disciple Making (succession)
3. Learns from & adheres to the Scriptures as the King’s own words
4. Loves and Obeys the Lord Jesus Christ as King
5. Loves and Commits to one another as Family Members in the King’s Household
6. Loves and Serves those in need as part of a Worldwide Revolution of Agape Love.
7. Organizes itself and is lead by Servant Leaders who promote Sacrificial Love and Service
8. Thrives in and looks for God’s Kingdom Activity and the Return of the King
Viral Definition of Love: The ongoing sacrificial pursuit of God's best for another person (including God Himself).
It's Too Simple: 1 Corinthians 13
It's Too Hard: Matthew 5:21-48
It's Brilliant: 1 John 3:1, 11-24; 4:7-21; 5:1-5
This Changes Everything!

Church Business Meeting & Vote
Sunday, September 5th, Following the AM Worship Gathering
Piano Concert with Juilliard Master - Sam Rotman
Sunday, September 12th, at 6:00 PM in the Worship Center
Farewell Potluck for the Armstrongs
Thursday, September 16th, at 6:00 PM in the Cafe
Van Michael Komatsu Ordination
Saturday, September 18th, 10:00 to Noon in the Worship Center
Armstrong's Last Sunday
Sunday, September 19th
Church Business Meeting & Vote
Sunday, September 5th, Following the AM Worship Gathering
Piano Concert with Juilliard Master - Sam Rotman
Sunday, September 12th, at 6:00 PM in the Worship Center
Farewell Potluck for the Armstrongs
Thursday, September 16th, at 6:00 PM in the Cafe
Van Michael Komatsu Ordination
Saturday, September 18th, 10:00 to Noon in the Worship Center
Armstrong's Last Sunday
Sunday, September 19th
Nursery + Children's Church Today
Today we have Nursery for children who are ages 0-4 and Children's Church for children who are Kindergarten - 3rd grade. Nursery runs from the start of the service and Children's Church kids are dismissed at the beginning of the sermon.
Ongoing Service Opportunities
We have some wonderful opportunities for you to serve the church! If you are interested in volunteering for any of these opportunities, please contact the church office at 808-875-2112 or email us at and note the particular area(s) you are interested in. Please also feel free to reach out with any questions.
The various service opportunities currently available include:
Children's Ministry. The Children's Ministry Department needs volunteers to help on Sunday mornings in the Nursery and Children's Church. Nursery volunteers will be working with children ages 0-4 and Children's Church volunteers will be working with children grades Kindergarten through 3rd.
Audio/Visual Ministry. The Audio/Visual Department needs volunteers to run the music & sermon slides, run the sound board, and help with the online video streaming. You don't need technical expertise to serve in this ministry since training is provided.
The various service opportunities currently available include:
Children's Ministry. The Children's Ministry Department needs volunteers to help on Sunday mornings in the Nursery and Children's Church. Nursery volunteers will be working with children ages 0-4 and Children's Church volunteers will be working with children grades Kindergarten through 3rd.
Audio/Visual Ministry. The Audio/Visual Department needs volunteers to run the music & sermon slides, run the sound board, and help with the online video streaming. You don't need technical expertise to serve in this ministry since training is provided.
Discipleship Discussion (Sunday Morning 9:00 AM)
Pastor Jay invites whoever would like to join him for a time of "talking story." This is an interactive conversation about growing as "fully committed followers of Jesus -- Disciples". Sunday Mornings at 9 AM in the Cafe.
This Week at Kihei Baptist
Sunday @ 9:00am Talk Story. This week's topic: "The Gospel"; Sunday @ 10:00am Worship Gathering; Wednesday @ 6:00am Men’s Bible Study; Wednesday @ 6:00pm Youth Group; Wednesday @ 7:00pm Prayer Gathering.
https://www.kiheibaptist.comKihei Baptist Live
Watch this Message Live on our YouTube Channel on Sunday at 10:00 AM (HST) to Kihei Baptist
Mahalo. Your gracious gifts make possible our gospel ministry on Maui and across the world.