Community Church of Portage Lakes
Our Souls Need of Rest (Exodus 20:8-11)
Join us on a series through the Ten Commandments
Locations & Times
Community Church of Portage Lakes
3260 Cormany Road, Akron, OH 44319, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Learn more about upcoming events and Community Groups, submit a prayer request, or give online. for this message:
I. The Sabbath as a ______________ of life
II. Understanding our ____________ for rest
III. The fall and God’s work of ___________________
Practical question: Why do we celebrate ______________
a. God’s __________ creation and His _______________
b. _______ and its impact on God’s ____________ work
c. Jesus’ work of ________________ creation
d. Jesus’ invitation into __________________
IV. The nature of ________________
a. Rest from _____________ to rest unto ______________
b. It’s a call to ___________________
c. It’s a principle that impacts ____________
Study Guide more information, go to our website
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