Pennsville Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service
Sunday Morning Service
Locations & Times
Pennsville Baptist Church
3298 Richey Rd, Mt Pleasant, PA 15666, USA
Sunday 9:45 AM
II Kings 8:1-6
All The Way My Savior Leads Me
All of the experiences of Elisha are not necessarily recorded in chronological order. This event obviously does not follow the events of the previous verses of Scripture. For Gehazi, the former servant of Elisha, is recorded conversing freely with Jehoram, the king of Israel. This must have been before he was cursed with leprosy. A leper could not move freely in society; they were separated and forced to live outside the gate. This took place in (4:38-44) before chapter 5 v.38 is the famine in our text. Now is not found in the original text…Elisha had spoken (past tense) unto the woman.
1. The child would walk a ways, stumble, fall and as the parent you would stretch out your arms
and lift the child up. As the child grew you were always there. Then one day they were gone.
2. Now who will lead and guide them? Who will lead and guide us? Where are we to go? What
are we to do?
3. In II Kings 8:1-6 we are reminded of the song: All The Way My Savior Leads Me.
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
How He leads…
A. The Revelation 1a
Then Elisha spoke unto the woman…restore is a key word in 8:1-6 (vss 1, 5, 6).
1.To A Person Who Has Experienced The Power of God
*God’s revelation comes to people who have been made alive and walk in fellowship with Him.
*Three times a miracle is recorded on behalf of this woman. She was sensitive to the man of God…the voice of God. God has a high priority in her life.
2. To This Person Is Expressed The Process of God
*Arise…Go…Sojourn wheresoever you can sojourn
*God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit: By His Word…By Prayer… Through
open doors and shut doors…Through Godly people…Let the peace of God rule your
*In order to be lead we must realize that God has a plan and purpose for our lives, and
He is step by step leading us to fulfill His purpose.
B. The Reason To This Person Is Explained The Plan of God 1b
For…the Lord hath called a famine (to judge the nation of Israel).
1.Either directly or indirectly every circumstance of my life is filtered through the hands of a sovereign God. Does that mean that God is the author of evil? Mankind has a will to choose or choose otherwise, and our choices have consequences.
2.God has a reason behind every revelation.
3.It shall come upon the land seven years…shall is yet future. The God I serve sees beyond today. He knows all about our tomorrows. The tomorrow over which we are so concerned…He has already been there.
4.We may miss the famine or we may walk through the famine. How many times in God’s mercy we have been spared!
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
Where He leads me…
A. The Movement 2
She arose…She did…She went…She sojourned
1.Obedience…we must adjust our lives to fulfill God’s revelation. There was no famine yet. All of this was a step of faith. She no longer has a husband (perhaps now he is dead). That can happen to godly people walking closely with the Lord.
*She is responsible to her entire household. It is hard to walk away from ‘home’.
*She can choose. Philestines is not a sinful move, but a God directed move.
2. Opportunity…we are free to choose. God isn’t interested in your geographic
location. He is interested in your spiritual condition. Take care of your spiritual
condition and God will take care of your geographic location. Paul Smith
What if you have three choices? If your heart is right…choice any of the three! God
will direct your path.
B.The Moment 3
And it came to pass (God’s Sovereignty…God’s Supremacy) at the seven years end (vss 1, 2, 3, seven years) With complete obedience God provides complete care.
She is Free: This was her heart’s desire.
1.To Go The woman returned out of the land of the Philestines.
*God led to the Philestines and now He leads away from the Philestines.
*Every step is ordered by the Lord!
2.To Get
*Upon returning she finds someone else in possession of her property. He won’t give it back. Even the most godly have snags in their lives. Even those who follow the Lord closely will have frustrations.
*She goes to appeal to the king. God doesn’t just miraculously give the property back. Most of the leading of the Lord is through natural, every day means.
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
What He used to lead…
While the woman is coming the King (perhaps for entertainment) asks Gehazi to relate Elisha’s
miracles. And it came to pass (God’s Sovereignty and Supremacy) as Gehazi was telling of the
woman and her son, the woman comes to make her appeal to the king. Gehazi: “My Lord, O king
this is the woman, this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life.”
A.Coincidence…never…nothing ‘just happens’ in God’s economy. We must see God at work!
*People of influence…people you’ve never met before…people who know you are all part of God’s orchestration.
*Look at circumstances and situations of the past in which God has worked.
*Be aware of present people and places…present circumstances and situations…God’s timing is crucial to fulfilling His plan. There are no accidents along the way.
*All things are working together to get us from one place to another. He works ‘here’ to go accomplish something ‘there’.
B. Confidence…Life is not a struggle. REST as God works. WAIT as God puts things together.
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
When He leads…
A. The Testimony 6a
She told him…
We need to have an up-to-date testimony of what God has done.
1.Be Aware…Be Awake…Be Alert…Be Available to share! God is at work all around us…see it and then tell it!
B.The Treasure 6b
1.Right People The king assigned her a certain officer. Note who was brought into your life at the Right Time for the Right Problem. Only God can do that!
2.Right Portion Restore all that was hers…all the fruits of the field and seed for next years harvest.
*When we follow where He leads it may appear that we lose momentarily, but our great God is in the exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think business!!
*Only God can restore the years the canker worm has eaten away.
All We Can Do Is Say, “Thanks!”
All The Way My Savior Leads Me
Word From God…How He leads.
Walk With God…Where He leads.
Way Of God…What He uses to lead.
Witness About God…When He leads.
GOD IS AT WORK…All we can do is say, “Thanks.”
All The Way My Savior Leads Me
All of the experiences of Elisha are not necessarily recorded in chronological order. This event obviously does not follow the events of the previous verses of Scripture. For Gehazi, the former servant of Elisha, is recorded conversing freely with Jehoram, the king of Israel. This must have been before he was cursed with leprosy. A leper could not move freely in society; they were separated and forced to live outside the gate. This took place in (4:38-44) before chapter 5 v.38 is the famine in our text. Now is not found in the original text…Elisha had spoken (past tense) unto the woman.
1. The child would walk a ways, stumble, fall and as the parent you would stretch out your arms
and lift the child up. As the child grew you were always there. Then one day they were gone.
2. Now who will lead and guide them? Who will lead and guide us? Where are we to go? What
are we to do?
3. In II Kings 8:1-6 we are reminded of the song: All The Way My Savior Leads Me.
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
How He leads…
A. The Revelation 1a
Then Elisha spoke unto the woman…restore is a key word in 8:1-6 (vss 1, 5, 6).
1.To A Person Who Has Experienced The Power of God
*God’s revelation comes to people who have been made alive and walk in fellowship with Him.
*Three times a miracle is recorded on behalf of this woman. She was sensitive to the man of God…the voice of God. God has a high priority in her life.
2. To This Person Is Expressed The Process of God
*Arise…Go…Sojourn wheresoever you can sojourn
*God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit: By His Word…By Prayer… Through
open doors and shut doors…Through Godly people…Let the peace of God rule your
*In order to be lead we must realize that God has a plan and purpose for our lives, and
He is step by step leading us to fulfill His purpose.
B. The Reason To This Person Is Explained The Plan of God 1b
For…the Lord hath called a famine (to judge the nation of Israel).
1.Either directly or indirectly every circumstance of my life is filtered through the hands of a sovereign God. Does that mean that God is the author of evil? Mankind has a will to choose or choose otherwise, and our choices have consequences.
2.God has a reason behind every revelation.
3.It shall come upon the land seven years…shall is yet future. The God I serve sees beyond today. He knows all about our tomorrows. The tomorrow over which we are so concerned…He has already been there.
4.We may miss the famine or we may walk through the famine. How many times in God’s mercy we have been spared!
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
Where He leads me…
A. The Movement 2
She arose…She did…She went…She sojourned
1.Obedience…we must adjust our lives to fulfill God’s revelation. There was no famine yet. All of this was a step of faith. She no longer has a husband (perhaps now he is dead). That can happen to godly people walking closely with the Lord.
*She is responsible to her entire household. It is hard to walk away from ‘home’.
*She can choose. Philestines is not a sinful move, but a God directed move.
2. Opportunity…we are free to choose. God isn’t interested in your geographic
location. He is interested in your spiritual condition. Take care of your spiritual
condition and God will take care of your geographic location. Paul Smith
What if you have three choices? If your heart is right…choice any of the three! God
will direct your path.
B.The Moment 3
And it came to pass (God’s Sovereignty…God’s Supremacy) at the seven years end (vss 1, 2, 3, seven years) With complete obedience God provides complete care.
She is Free: This was her heart’s desire.
1.To Go The woman returned out of the land of the Philestines.
*God led to the Philestines and now He leads away from the Philestines.
*Every step is ordered by the Lord!
2.To Get
*Upon returning she finds someone else in possession of her property. He won’t give it back. Even the most godly have snags in their lives. Even those who follow the Lord closely will have frustrations.
*She goes to appeal to the king. God doesn’t just miraculously give the property back. Most of the leading of the Lord is through natural, every day means.
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
What He used to lead…
While the woman is coming the King (perhaps for entertainment) asks Gehazi to relate Elisha’s
miracles. And it came to pass (God’s Sovereignty and Supremacy) as Gehazi was telling of the
woman and her son, the woman comes to make her appeal to the king. Gehazi: “My Lord, O king
this is the woman, this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life.”
A.Coincidence…never…nothing ‘just happens’ in God’s economy. We must see God at work!
*People of influence…people you’ve never met before…people who know you are all part of God’s orchestration.
*Look at circumstances and situations of the past in which God has worked.
*Be aware of present people and places…present circumstances and situations…God’s timing is crucial to fulfilling His plan. There are no accidents along the way.
*All things are working together to get us from one place to another. He works ‘here’ to go accomplish something ‘there’.
B. Confidence…Life is not a struggle. REST as God works. WAIT as God puts things together.
Where are we to go? What are we to do? All The Way My Savior Leads Me
When He leads…
A. The Testimony 6a
She told him…
We need to have an up-to-date testimony of what God has done.
1.Be Aware…Be Awake…Be Alert…Be Available to share! God is at work all around us…see it and then tell it!
B.The Treasure 6b
1.Right People The king assigned her a certain officer. Note who was brought into your life at the Right Time for the Right Problem. Only God can do that!
2.Right Portion Restore all that was hers…all the fruits of the field and seed for next years harvest.
*When we follow where He leads it may appear that we lose momentarily, but our great God is in the exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think business!!
*Only God can restore the years the canker worm has eaten away.
All We Can Do Is Say, “Thanks!”
All The Way My Savior Leads Me
Word From God…How He leads.
Walk With God…Where He leads.
Way Of God…What He uses to lead.
Witness About God…When He leads.
GOD IS AT WORK…All we can do is say, “Thanks.”
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