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Fellowship of the Crossroads

Road Trip: Jonah - Grace

Road Trip: Jonah - Grace

In Part II of our Road Trip series look at Jonah we will see what he failed to see in God's dealing with the people of Nineveh he also failed to see was the same way God was dealing with him.

Locations & Times

Fellowship of the Crossroads

3706 N Navarro St, Victoria, TX 77901, USA

Sunday 10:15 AM

Sunday 10:15 AM


Jonah was from Gath-Hepher, 5 miles north of Nazareth.


Jonah was a Prophet Song

נָבִיא nabiy' {naw-bee'}
1) spokesman, speaker, prophet

A prophets primary role was to:

1. Call the people back to ______________ to God’s laws.

2. Warn them of___________ _________ upon sin, both personal and national.


Dagon: fish god of Nineveh

great fish
גָּדוֹל דָּג dag gadowl

דָּג dag {dawg} – fish
גָּדוֹל gadowl {gaw-dole'} – great, large, big

Matthew 12:40
"For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (NKJ)

“Great fish”
κῆτος ketos {kay'-tos} a sea monster, whale, huge fish
What "Great Fish" could swallow a man whole?
Are there any recorded incidents outside of the bible where a "great fish" of some sort swallowed a person?
Jonah 1:17 …the LORD had prepared (NKJ)
The Big Question: Why did Jonah________________?

Answer: God’s ___________________!!!
How We are Like Jonah?

We have _____________ ___________ in our lives we want God to “__________”.


We all wish we had one of these.

Crossroads Challenge