Covenant Presbyterian Church of Simsbury - The Barn
Sunday, July 25, 2021 - 9:30 am Service
In-Person/Live-Streamed Sunday Service 9:30am
Locations & Times
  • Covenant Presbyterian Church
    124 Old Farms Rd, Simsbury, CT 06070, USA
    Sunday 9:30 AM

Children's Bulletin

A downloadable children's bulletin can be found using the following link:
John’s writing is symphonic as he layers themes of true God, eternal life, light, love, and the demands upon us to worship God as revealed both by Jesus, and through the work that Jesus came to accomplish. John doesn’t write an argument so much as a reminder of the vast riches of God’s love towards us.
Service of Worship
July 25, 2021
Outdoor Worship Area 9:30am
Call to Worship and Welcome

Leader: To you, O LORD, we lift up our souls.

All: O God, in you we trust; let us not be put to shame;
let not our enemies exult over us.

Leader: Make us to know your ways, O LORD; teach us your paths.

All: Lead us in your truth and teach us,
for you are the God of our salvation.

Adapted from Psalm 25
Songs of Praise
The with-God life draws Jesus followers to praise God for his promises of salvation, hope, peace, and the ever-present help and comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Is The Lord CCLI Song # 4158039
by Louie Giglio and Chris Tomlin

We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great how awesome is He

And together we sing
Ev'ryone sing

Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The earth is filled with His glory

It is rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown
It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown

Holy Holy Holy (Nicaea)CCLI Song # 1156
by John Bacchus Dykes and Reginald Heber

Holy holy holy
Lord God Almighty
Early in the morning
Our song shall rise to Thee
Holy holy holy
Merciful and mighty
God in three persons
Blessed Trinity

Holy holy holy
All the saints adore Thee
Casting down their golden crowns
Around the glassy sea
Cherubim and seraphim
Falling down before Thee
Which wert and art
And evermore shalt be

Holy holy holy
Though the darkness hide Thee
Though the eye of sinful man
Thy glory may not see
Only Thou art holy
There is none beside Thee
Perfect in power
In love and purity

Holy holy holy
Lord God Almighty
All Thy works shall praise Thy name
In earth and sky and sea
Holy holy holy
Merciful and mighty
God in three persons
Blessed Trinity

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Prayer for Families and Passing the Peace
The with-God life grants us peace, share a reminder of that peace with a friend.

Give Here

Thank you for giving to the work of Covenant Presbyterian Church of Simsbury, CT.
In Christ Alone CCLI Song # 3350395
by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light my strength my song
This Cornerstone this solid Ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love what depths of peace
When fears are stilled when strivings cease
My Comforter my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand

All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name CCLI Song # 25400

All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name
Let angels prostrate fall
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of all
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of all

Ye chosen seed of Israel's race
Ye ransomed from the fall
Hail Him who saves you by His grace
And crown Him Lord of all
Hail Him who saves you by His grace
And crown Him Lord of all

Let ev'ry kindred ev'ry tribe
On this terrestrial ball
To Him all majesty ascribe
And crown Him Lord of all
To Him all majesty ascribe
And crown Him Lord of all

O that with yonder sacred throng
We at His feet may fall
We'll join the everlasting song
And crown Him Lord of all
We'll join the everlasting song
And crown Him Lord of all

Reading of the Scripture
1 John 3:11-4:6
Leader: This is the word of the Lord.

ALL: Praise be to Christ.
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
- 1 John 3:11-4:6
Matt Blazer

Love one another (3:11-15)
With action (3:16-18)
Which assures our hearts (19-24)
As we test the spirits (4:1-6)

You Are My King (Amazing Love)CCLI Song # 2456623
I'm forgiven
Because You were forsaken
I'm accepted
You were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your Spirit is within me
Because You died
And rose again

Amazing love
How can it be
That You my King
Would die for me
Amazing love
I know it's true
It's my joy to honor You
In all I do I honor You

You are my King
You are my King
Jesus You are my King
Jesus You are my King
The with-God life sends us into our neighborhoods as His agents of neighbor love.


Welcome! Our hope is that you enjoy corporate worship this morning as we pray, sing, confess, and open the Lord’s word together. This is both for our good on Sundays in community, and serves as a model for our personal devotions. If you are visiting with us, please fill out the online form below. If you’re waiting for the offering plate, there are boxes in the back instead.
Parents, Please Note…
Our nursery for infants is open the entire service.

Children (toddler- 5th grade) go to Sunday School during the greeting time. Sunday school is available for parents and to kids who desire to attend.

Our classes are designed to be welcoming, safe, and loving - and where your child will be valued as made in God’s image.
Live Streaming
We are live-streaming this service on the internet today for the benefit of our missionaries, home-bound and those who are ill.
CCLI License # 162332
Hearing Assist Receivers Available

Hearing assist receivers can be picked up from the sound crew before the service.

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