Central Assembly of God

The Case for Truth | Aren't There Many Ways to God?
Dr. Jim Bradford, Dr. Wave Nunnally | July 18, 2021
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Sunday 10:45 AM
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https://centralassembly.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/97/responses/newTwo starting perspectives:
*There is more than one way to access the spiritual realm
*There is more than one way to access the spiritual realm
Two starting perspectives:
*There is more than one way to access the spiritual realm
* Claims of exclusivity:
- Not unique to Christianity
- Jesus himself made this claim
- "The door of Jesus"
*There is more than one way to access the spiritual realm
* Claims of exclusivity:
- Not unique to Christianity
- Jesus himself made this claim
- "The door of Jesus"
Hegesippus in Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History 2.23
Then they said, “O Righteous One, whose word we are all obliged to accept, the people are going astray after Jesus who was crucified. So tell us what is meant by ‘the door of Jesus’?”
Then they said, “O Righteous One, whose word we are all obliged to accept, the people are going astray after Jesus who was crucified. So tell us what is meant by ‘the door of Jesus’?”
What sets Christianity apart?
What sets Christianity apart?
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
Bruce Shelley, Church History in Plain Language
“Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God.”
Darrell Johnson, Discipleship on the Edge
“The greatest power in the universe is the weakness of sacrificial love.”
“Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God.”
Darrell Johnson, Discipleship on the Edge
“The greatest power in the universe is the weakness of sacrificial love.”
What sets Christianity apart?
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
* Grace is inclusive of everyone -- it addresses justice but is not based on our ability to be good
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
* Grace is inclusive of everyone -- it addresses justice but is not based on our ability to be good
What sets Christianity apart?
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
*Grace is inclusive of everyone -- it addresses justice but is not based on our ability to be good
* Jesus gives us more than a behavioral code -- He gives us His Spirit
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
*Grace is inclusive of everyone -- it addresses justice but is not based on our ability to be good
* Jesus gives us more than a behavioral code -- He gives us His Spirit
What sets Christianity apart?
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
*Grace is inclusive of everyone -- it addresses justice but is not based on our ability to be good
* Jesus gives us more than a behavioral code -- He gives us His Spirit
* The gospel addresses the issue of eternal life -- with an assurance not found in other religions
* Christianity is based on the highest of human ideals -- sacrificial love
*Grace is inclusive of everyone -- it addresses justice but is not based on our ability to be good
* Jesus gives us more than a behavioral code -- He gives us His Spirit
* The gospel addresses the issue of eternal life -- with an assurance not found in other religions
Vinoth Ramachandra, The Scandal of Jesus
“Christian salvation lies not in an escape from this world but in the transformation of this world…. You will not find hope for the world in any of the religious systems or philosophies of humankind…. The Biblical vision is unique. That is why when some say there is salvation in other faiths too, I ask them -- ‘What salvation are you talking about?’ No faith holds out a promise of eternal salvation for the world -- the ordinary world -- that the cross and resurrection of Jesus do.”
“Christian salvation lies not in an escape from this world but in the transformation of this world…. You will not find hope for the world in any of the religious systems or philosophies of humankind…. The Biblical vision is unique. That is why when some say there is salvation in other faiths too, I ask them -- ‘What salvation are you talking about?’ No faith holds out a promise of eternal salvation for the world -- the ordinary world -- that the cross and resurrection of Jesus do.”
All men are created equal, but not all religions are created equal.