StoneBridge Community Church

Cultivate - The Power of Jesus' Resurrection
Senior Pastor Jon Saur
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Saturday 6:00 PM
Online Connection Card
Worship With Generosity
The Text In Context
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Here is a rough outline of the sermon for this week, to help you follow along.
I. Story from Pastor Jon's Middle School Years
A. Went through different "phases."
B. The real issue, though, was a lack of confidence in identity.
C. Christians and Churches often experience a similar problem.
II. What is our identity in Christ?
A. Too often, identity is constructed from non-biblical sources.
B. This happens when we stray from the Biblical message.
C. Paul addresses this in Phil. 3, but in a different way.
III. Paul's Accomplishments
A. Paul lists his accomplishments from his previous life, but then calls them "rubbish."
B. The Greek word for "rubbish" is more explicit.
C. Though Paul used to construct his identity based on these accomplishments, he no longer does so.
D. Paul now roots his identity in Jesus and Jesus' resurrection.
IV. The Resurrection is what gives the entire New Testament its identity.
A. The resurrection is the belief that Jesus was raised from the dead and because of that, we will be raised from the dead.
B. When Jesus went to the cross, he took sin and death with him. When he was resurrected, it marked God's victory over sin and death and suffering and pain.
C. The Resurrection is not a piece of the Christian pie - it is the pie itself.
D. The Resurrection is what gives Christians and Churches their identity.
V. Other sources for identity
A. Negative things - These don't define us.
B. Positive things also - These don't define us.
C. We are defined by the resurrection, and solely the resurrection.
VI. Pastor Jon's other phase - "Christian"
A. It is easy to be a part of the community of Christians, and it is good. But Paul pushes us to a deeper level.
B. We are to be defined by the resurrection.
C. A church that God is cultivating is defined by the resurrection.
Matthew Henry's Commentary
N.T. Wright Article on Jesus' Resurrection
1. What contributes to your sense of identity? What helps you define who you are?
2. How would you define Jesus' resurrection? How central to Christian faith do you believe Jesus' resurrection is?
3. How central to your life is Jesus' resurrection? Would you say that your identity is rooted in Jesus' resurrection?
4. What does a life defined by Jesus' resurrection look like in practice?

A new episode available every Tuesday! Hosted by Stephanie Leedy, Director of Children's & Family Ministries, the StoneBridge Parents podcast is dedicated to having real, honest conversations with members of our community. Each week we will talk with a special guest about a variety of parenting topics including entitlement, special needs, mom guilt, and more! We have some amazing episodes, moments, and parenting game-changers parents of all ages will want to hear. This past week, Ms. Stephanie sat down with Sherry Krogh and talked about child entitlement. This coming Tuesday, Ms. Stephanie sits down with Pastor Jon and talks about fatherhood and Christian parenting. You won’t want to miss it! Look for these special episodes within the StoneBridge Podcast!

Our board of deacons not only helps the needy in our community through monthly donations to the Samaritan Center, Sarah’s House, James Storehouse, and ACTION; they also provide confidential support, encouragement, and assistance to members of our church family. You’re invited to support the caring work of our deacons by making a special offering on the first weekend of every month. Thank you so much for your generosity.