The Crossing Church
Voices Week 2 - Jeff Kiwanuka
Message notes from The Crossing, a Christian Church in Las Vegas, NV.
Locations & Times
The Crossing Windmill
7950 W Windmill Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89113, USA
Saturday 6:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
What I receive and what I believe could determine who I become.
"To receive Christ involves more than mere intellectual acknowledgment of His claims."
- John MacArthur
- John MacArthur
received "implies not merely intellectual agreement with some facts about Jesus but also welcoming and submitting to him in a personal relationship."
- ESV Study Bible
- ESV Study Bible
Receiving Jesus means…That when Jesus offers Himself to you, you welcome Him into your life for what He is.
• If he comes to you as Savior, you welcome his salvation.
• If he comes to you as Leader, you welcome his leadership.
• If he comes to you as Provider, you welcome his provision.
• If he comes to you as Counselor, you welcome his counsel.
• If he comes to you as Protector, you welcome his protection.
• If he comes to you as Authority, you welcome his authority.
• If he comes to you as King, you welcome his rule.
- John Piper
• If he comes to you as Savior, you welcome his salvation.
• If he comes to you as Leader, you welcome his leadership.
• If he comes to you as Provider, you welcome his provision.
• If he comes to you as Counselor, you welcome his counsel.
• If he comes to you as Protector, you welcome his protection.
• If he comes to you as Authority, you welcome his authority.
• If he comes to you as King, you welcome his rule.
- John Piper
To those who believed in his name..."
Intellectual Belief vs. Active Belief
intellectual belief with action
Many people ask, “You mean all that I have to do is to say I believe?” Yes, that is all you have to do, but let’s see what that implies. To believe in, or on, is more than mere acceptance of a statement. It is so to accept a statement or a person as to rest upon them, to trust them practically; to draw upon and avail one’s self of all that is offered to him in them.
- J Vernon McGee
- J Vernon McGee
Because what I choose to believe and receive will determine what I become.
To become – John uses the Greek Word (ginomai) ginomai = to become something (a child of God) that one is not; to beget, to give birth, to produce offspring
Teknon = a term of endearment used in secular Greek writings as a form of familiar, tender or affectionate address to speak of one kindly
Rejected ----> Accepted
What are you receiving and believing about yourself?
Who are you receiving and believing and do they have power over you?
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