Central Assembly

The Case for Truth: What Does the Bible Say about Human Sexuality?
Dr. Jim Bradford | June 6, 2021
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Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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https://centralassembly.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/97/responses/new*The Christian faith holds to the highest view of the human body
*God’s guidelines for our bodies are designed for our wholeness and thriving
*Sexual immorality distorts and defeats those purposes
*God’s guidelines for our bodies are designed for our wholeness and thriving
*Sexual immorality distorts and defeats those purposes
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Creation
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Creation
* Our bodies are designed to be valued, not violated
“For Christians, women aren’t property or baby makers…. Men aren’t lust machines or power mongers.” --Beth Felkner Jones, Faithful
* Our bodies are designed to be valued, not violated
“For Christians, women aren’t property or baby makers…. Men aren’t lust machines or power mongers.” --Beth Felkner Jones, Faithful
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Creation
* Our gender is not fluid or subject to choice, but the result of God’s creative design
“Our gendered bodies serve as testimonies to our responsibility to live as God’s image.” -- Assemblies of God Position Paper: Transgenderism, Transsexuality, and Gender Identity
* Our gender is not fluid or subject to choice, but the result of God’s creative design
“Our gendered bodies serve as testimonies to our responsibility to live as God’s image.” -- Assemblies of God Position Paper: Transgenderism, Transsexuality, and Gender Identity
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Creation
* Sexual relations are God’s idea by divine design
* Shame afflicted humanity after the rebellion against God in Genesis 3
* Sexual relations are God’s idea by divine design
* Shame afflicted humanity after the rebellion against God in Genesis 3
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Creation
* Marriage is designed to be a “one flesh” relationship between a man and a woman through the sexual union
* This bonding, life-uniting act necessitates the protection of a life-long covenant
* Marriage is designed to be a “one flesh” relationship between a man and a woman through the sexual union
* This bonding, life-uniting act necessitates the protection of a life-long covenant
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Christ . . .
* God has an eternal plan for our bodies
* God has an eternal plan for our bodies
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Christ . . .
* Our bodies are for the Lord
* Our bodies are for the Lord
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Christ . . .
* Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
* Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
THEOLOGY: Our Bodies and Christ . . .
* At the deepest levels, we can be restored -- body, soul and spirit.
* At the deepest levels, we can be restored -- body, soul and spirit.
“We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an arrogant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” -- C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory