Hillside Missionary Church

6/6/21 Worship Gathering
Whether you’re a guest or a long-time attendee we’re glad you’re here with us. We’re a friendly and caring group of Christians who are here to help people be CONNECTED with Jesus, CHANGED by Jesus, and COMMITTED to the mission of Jesus. If you're new with us today, thank for joining us! We truly believe that you’re not here by accident and that God has some amazing plans for your life. If you’d like some information about who we are and how to get plugged in here at Hillside, please fill out the “I’m New” page on our website, hmcworship.com/im-new/
Locations & Times
21567 Ireland Rd, South Bend, IN 46614, USA
Friday 5:00 PM
In this passage of God’s Word, we see Jesus sending out His disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal. By taking a look at this story, we can learn more about what God has called us to do and how to do it. This story teaches us 5 things about the mission that God has called us all to:
1. You’re not meant to do it alone
Luke 9:1, Heb. 10:24-25, Col. 3:16, Matt. 18:20
2. You’ve been fully equipped
Luke 9:1-2, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Cor. 9:6-9, Heb. 13:20-21, 2 Pet. 1:3
3. The mission is spiritual and physical
Luke 9:2-3, Matt. 15:32-39, James 2:14-26
4. Don’t get distracted by comforts
Luke 9:3-4, 22:35-38, Heb. 13:5, Phil. 4:11-13, 1 Tim. 6:6-10
5. Don’t get discouraged by rejection
Luke 9:5, Rom. 12:12, Josh. 1:9, Phil. 4:4-6, Gal. 6:9
1. You’re not meant to do it alone
Luke 9:1, Heb. 10:24-25, Col. 3:16, Matt. 18:20
2. You’ve been fully equipped
Luke 9:1-2, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Cor. 9:6-9, Heb. 13:20-21, 2 Pet. 1:3
3. The mission is spiritual and physical
Luke 9:2-3, Matt. 15:32-39, James 2:14-26
4. Don’t get distracted by comforts
Luke 9:3-4, 22:35-38, Heb. 13:5, Phil. 4:11-13, 1 Tim. 6:6-10
5. Don’t get discouraged by rejection
Luke 9:5, Rom. 12:12, Josh. 1:9, Phil. 4:4-6, Gal. 6:9
Reflection Questions
1. As we talked about accomplishing the mission that God has given to us all, to make disciples, was there anyone who God put on your heart to reach out to? If so, who was it? Have you felt led to reach out to this person before? If so, did you? What was the outcome of that? How do you feel about reaching out to them in the future?
2. By taking a look at this story of Jesus sending His disciples out, we learned 5 things about our own mission that God has put us all on. Which one of these 5 things stood out to you the most and how could it help you to accomplish the mission of making disciples better in the future?
3. How can you be faithful to make disciples during this season of your life? If you were faithful to accomplish this moving forward, how do you think it would affect your own relationship with the Lord? Who can keep you accountable to making disciples?
1. As we talked about accomplishing the mission that God has given to us all, to make disciples, was there anyone who God put on your heart to reach out to? If so, who was it? Have you felt led to reach out to this person before? If so, did you? What was the outcome of that? How do you feel about reaching out to them in the future?
2. By taking a look at this story of Jesus sending His disciples out, we learned 5 things about our own mission that God has put us all on. Which one of these 5 things stood out to you the most and how could it help you to accomplish the mission of making disciples better in the future?
3. How can you be faithful to make disciples during this season of your life? If you were faithful to accomplish this moving forward, how do you think it would affect your own relationship with the Lord? Who can keep you accountable to making disciples?
Current Prayer Requests
CHURCH FAMILY NEEDS:Pray for Luis Caban, who recently started coming to Hillside, severely broke his back and had to be hospitalized. He has had to move to a nursing home for rehabilitation. Also pray for Patty Ewing as she recovers from her knee surgery.
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Hubleys.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for the Walters.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our livestream and for the people joining us there. Pray that God would use us to bring His Kingdom here. Pray for the various building projects and workdays that are going on right now.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for the current health pandemic in our world and in our country. Pray for medical staff and for our leaders as they navigate how to best help. Pray for the unrest and divisions in our country. Pray for our leaders, current and future.
MISSIONARIES: This month pray for the Hubleys.
FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Each week we’ll pray for a different family in our church. This week pray for the Walters.
HILLSIDE HAPPENINGS: Pray that the church would continue to stay unified under Christ. Pray for our livestream and for the people joining us there. Pray that God would use us to bring His Kingdom here. Pray for the various building projects and workdays that are going on right now.
CURRENT HAPPENINGS: Pray for the current health pandemic in our world and in our country. Pray for medical staff and for our leaders as they navigate how to best help. Pray for the unrest and divisions in our country. Pray for our leaders, current and future.
Attendance for 5/30/21 Service
In-person: 48
Online Views (through 6/4/21): 9
Online (5/24/21 to 5/30/21): $260 for general
In-Person (5/30/21): $1720 for general
Total general needed weekly to meet budget: $1480
In-person: 48
Online Views (through 6/4/21): 9
Online (5/24/21 to 5/30/21): $260 for general
In-Person (5/30/21): $1720 for general
Total general needed weekly to meet budget: $1480
In-Person Service Update
Please remember, no offering plates will be passed; instead, we ask you to give online or via the giving box near the entrance. Tables are set up in the back row for families with young children. Because of CDC updated its guidelines, we are no longer be asking people to wear a mask and social distance. However, if you would still like to do either, we completely respect that, and we are asking for everyone to respect that as well. No one will judge you for your decision, either way (see Romans 14).
Women's Bible Study
A women’s Bible study is happening on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 AM and is meeting at the church building. For more information please contact April Rollf.
Open Sorting Hour at the Foster Closet
Want to help out at the foster closet but can’t commit to helping regularly? That’s ok! Every Friday from 12:30-1:30 is an open sorting hour. If you’d like to help during the open sorting hour, please text Tammi Fisher at (216) 526-9974.
Workday - July 10th
Thank you to everyone who came out to help at the workday yesterday, June 5th. We truly appreciate your help. We will be having another workday on July 10th from 9am-12pm. Any and all help is appreciated! Also, if you have any time throughout the week that you would like to help out with the ongoing projects, please let Pastor Josh know. We would love to have your help!