Parkerville Baptist Church

The Prodical Son story in Romans
A look at the story of the prodigal son in Romans
Locations & Times
Parkerville Baptist Church
910 Seaborne St, Parkerville WA 6081, Australia
Sunday 9:30 AM
About Parkerville Baptist Church
Why we exist …
Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
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Love God, love others, make disciples … that’s the commission Jesus left his followers.
At Parky, it’s our mission to do this by sharing our lives and creating pathways that inspire people to wholeheartedly follow Jesus.
Visit to learn more about our church.
3 characters really helped organise/ group ideas in Romans.
· Younger son – the Gentile - Romans 1:21-25
-younger son as an example of people pursuing appetites
-The father in the story let the son pursue his course (Romans 1: 24)
This is all captured by the attitudes and behaviour of the younger son: exploitative, breaking relationships, reckless spending, pandering to appetites and his ultimate disillusionment.
· Older son
Paul turns his attention to religious people who know God.
They are prone to criticism and think themselves better, taking the moral high ground.
If we are honest we do this all the time, ending up idolising moral righteousness and outward appearances.
Chapter 2: 17-21a, 23,24
Ch 14: Paul says DON'T JUDGE! AT ALL.
Paul doesn’t upbraid those making theological mistakes in disputes, it is those who might be right who he targets!
What are our motives when judging?
Paul’s conclusion:
All have turned away from God; no-one is right with God:
- not the Jews/older brother/ religious types, long standing Christians;
- not the Gentile/ younger brother/indulgent types
· Father Luke 3:21
The Father’s love (for us too):
1. he gave the son freewill
2. he had a reputation of fairness and generosity
3. he gave the son unconditional love
4. he was demonstrative
5. he celebrated, he was generous with blessings
6. he was compassionate
7. he went out of house again to the older son and was generous and fair in what he said to him
“Rings and Sandals” in Romans 5
1. Reconciliation between God and us
2. Peace with God
3. Access to a relationship with God
4. Hope - a conviction about future glory
5. Joy– which doesn’t depend on our circumstances
6. Holy Spirit - working in us
7. Suffering -Good things now come out of sorrow
8. Love: - model of the Father’s love
- love for others
- a satisfying way forward in life
1. Reconciliation between God and us
2. Peace with God
3. Access to a relationship with God
4. Hope - a conviction about future glory
5. Joy– which doesn’t depend on our circumstances
6. Holy Spirit - working in us
7. Suffering -Good things now come out of sorrow
8. Love: - model of the Father’s love
- love for others
- a satisfying way forward in life
1. The paradox of humanity: how can we fix this?
2. The cross - a symbol
3. The Christian life is not an intolerable burden but a privilege
2. The cross - a symbol
3. The Christian life is not an intolerable burden but a privilege
1. Our relationship with God is a personal journey
2. We are all unworthy
3. Nobody has any right to judge others.
· Romans 8:33-34
· Romans 3:27-28
· Romans 4:14-16
4. Let go and let God.
· Matthew 22:36-40
· Romans 7:6
· Galatians 5:22-23
Psalms 139:1-12
2. We are all unworthy
3. Nobody has any right to judge others.
· Romans 8:33-34
· Romans 3:27-28
· Romans 4:14-16
4. Let go and let God.
· Matthew 22:36-40
· Romans 7:6
· Galatians 5:22-23
Psalms 139:1-12
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