Foothills Christian Church

The Purpose of Fathers | Mike Van Meter | May 15 & 16, 2021
Weekend Services
Locations & Times
Foothills Christian Church
365 W Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States
Saturday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Genesis 1:1a
“In the beginning God”
“In the beginning God”
Two Truths:
1) God in His eternal nature is a Father
1) God in His eternal nature is a Father
Two Truths:
1) God in His eternal nature is a Father
2) Every person who exists comes from a father
1) God in His eternal nature is a Father
2) Every person who exists comes from a father
3 Essentials of Fatherhood
1) Fathers are Present:
1) Fathers are Present:
“Fathers are speaking about God the Father constantly. They do not have the option of shutting up. What they are saying maybe true or false, but they are not in a position where they can refuse to say anything. A father who just sits and stares, a father who is down in the office all of the time, a father who deserts the family, all of them are speaking. Everyone of them is saying something all of the time. A father who teaches his son how to swing a bat, a father who listens to his daughter explain why Peter Rabbit should not have disobeyed, a father who kisses their mom on the lips, a father who reads to the family in the evening-all of them are speaking too".
Douglas Wilson
Douglas Wilson
3 Essentials of Fatherhood
1) Fathers are Present:
2) Fathers Identify with Their Children:
This is My beloved Son
“Give me your heart, my son, Proverbs 23:6
1) Fathers are Present:
2) Fathers Identify with Their Children:
This is My beloved Son
“Give me your heart, my son, Proverbs 23:6
3 Essentials of Fatherhood
1) Fathers are Present:
2) Fathers Identify with Their Children:
This is My beloved Son
“Give me your heart, my son,” Proverbs 23:6
3) Fathers Take Pleasure in Their Children:
in whom I am well-pleased.”
1) Fathers are Present:
2) Fathers Identify with Their Children:
This is My beloved Son
“Give me your heart, my son,” Proverbs 23:6
3) Fathers Take Pleasure in Their Children:
in whom I am well-pleased.”
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