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Palmyra Grace Church

Sunday, May 9th 2021

Sunday, May 9th 2021

Every day the world pulls at us, calling us to live for the here and now, for ourselves, and for material gain. It calls us to find happiness and blessing not in the upside-down Kingdom of God but in the world as we want it - how we want it. In his book, The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard says The Beatitudes are "explanations and illustrations, drawn from the immediate setting, of the present availability of the kingdom through personal relationship to Jesus." Jesus, in the greatest sermon ever preached, gives us a different vision of life, a different way of being anchored, a different way of living blessed. Join us for the next few weeks as we walk through Jesus’ teachings in our new sermon series “Blessed in Chaos."

Locations & Times

799 Airport Rd, Palmyra, PA 17078, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM


Grace Group Questions

Week 5: Blessed are the Merciful

What is your favorite food combination (PB&J, Chocolate and Peanut Butter, Chips and Salsa, etc.)?

Pastor Dan shared that our human inclination is to separate our vertical relationship with God from the horizontal relationships with others. Some of us prioritize the vertical relationship, others prioritize the horizontal. Where have you experienced this in your life, with which do you struggle?

Read Matt. 9:9-13, Hosea 6:6 together. In Matthew Jesus is exposing the hypocrisy of his opponents. In Hosea’s context the shrines and rituals of Israel had become impediments to true spirituality, and Hosea called upon the people to denounce them. This does not mean that Hosea regarded sacrifice or ritual worship as intrinsically bad, he desires that his reader acquire the loving and compassionate heart toward others that comes from a transformational life with God. Considering Pastor Dan’s sermon, what sticks out to you as you re-read these passages?

Pastor Dan shared that mercy (hesed) could be defined here as God’s heart toward us through kindness, affection, lovingkindness, mercy in our redemption from enemies and troubles, mercy from a God who keeps his promises no matter what, the kindness of God is abundant, great in extent, everlasting, good. Consider that God desires our mercy toward others in this way, more than he desires religious practice. If your Group has access to YouTube, watch “Loyal Love” by the Bible Project at Discuss what you learned about this powerful picture of Love and Mercy shown by God.

Read and Discuss following verses about God’s mercy towards us (hesed). Exodus 36:4, Psalm 35:5-10, Psalm 89:1-18, Isa. 54:10, Isa. 63:7, Lam. 3:22-24, Joel 2:14, Micah 6:8. What stands out to you the most in each verse.? What do they teach about God? What do they teach about people? How does this affect the way you worship God? How would you share these truths with others?

We cannot separate our relationship with God from our relationship with others. Anyone who uses their devotion to God to justify mistreatment of others is a liar (1 John 4:20). Mercy is meant to be experienced from two sides. How does this challenge you this week. What is one step God is asking you to become a conduit not a container of God’s mercy as a result of this sermon?

• Invite your group to reflect in prayer for a few minutes over what you discussed.
• Have someone close your time by praying for your group.

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