Lifeway Church

B.L.E.S.S. - Loving Your Neighbor and Changing the World
Since the beginning of mankind's story with God, God has demonstrated his deep love for people through His blessing. God passed that mission on to every follower of Jesus and commanded us to bless others. We have been blessed to be a blessing to others. Blessing others doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as easy as using five practices that are already a part of your everyday life. Blessing others is the greatest example of loving your neighbor and when you love your neighbor you can exact change in the world. Join us Sundays, 10:00 a.m., at the Lifeway Campus or on Lifeway at Home.
Locations & Times
Lifeway Church • Downtown Campus
114 S Congress St, York, SC 29745, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM

Listen With Compassion
Digital Connection Card
Welcome to Lifeway! Please take a moment to let us know that you are joining us today! Now
In the Bible, people brought fruit, grain and goats to the temple. Thankfully, we've made it a little easier for you to support the mission and vision of Lifeway Church. Here is a quick way you can donate to Lifeway Church. Using your smartphone, tablet or computer, simply click the link below and make a quick donation through our online giving feature. You can use an online check from your checking account (ACH transaction), Visa, Mastercard, or debit card to make your donation. Once you setup your account, you can give a one time donation or you can setup your donation to reoccur weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Your one time setup is free and easy. at Home have been blessed to bless others.
B.= Be in prayer
L. = Listen with Compassion
E. = Eat together
S. = Serve in love
S. = Share a story
L. = Listen with Compassion
E. = Eat together
S. = Serve in love
S. = Share a story
Begin praying for 3 people who are far from God but close to you.
F – friends
R – relatives
A – acquaintances
N – neighbors
C – colleagues/classmates
F – friends
R – relatives
A – acquaintances
N – neighbors
C – colleagues/classmates
Mondegreen - a misheard word or phrase that makes sense in your head but is entirely incorrect.
When we don’t listen carefully we don’t respond appropriately.
When we don’t listen, people not only feel unheard, they begin to feel unknown.
Most people don’t want your expertise, they want your support.
Unheard + unknown = unloved
Listening to understand creates relationships and demonstrates love.
The right place, at the right time, is the place God puts you when you are doing his will.
Wherever you are be aware of who’s there with you.
When God puts you in that place, he also puts that place on your mind.
You don’t bless others by determine how to leverage them for yourself, you bless others by determining how you’re going to leverage yourself for them.
Learn to listen better.
listen + known = loved
If we’re going to carry out the mission to bless others, then we must tune into the needs of the people God has put in our lives.