Crossview Church

Real Life, Real Faith
Dan DeRoche | Mark 4:35-41
Locations & Times
Crossview Church
1000 E Riverview Expy, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494, USA
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
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Live Stream, Service Replays, Sermons, YouTube is a relationship with Jesus really like?
Sometimes Jesus allows storms to come to our lives
Sometimes we have difficulties as consequences of bad decisions we make, but there are times when God Himself allows difficulty into our lives.
Sometimes we doubt Jesus’ care for us
“There is nothing too great for God’s power and nothing too small for God’s love.” - Corrie Ten Boom
Sometimes we are so distracted in this life we forget Jesus is God
- They did not hold on to His word in the middle of the storm.
- They did not hold on to His word in the middle of the storm.
Why does God allow storms and failures in our lives?
Why does God allow storms and failures in our lives?
- What kind of faith casts out fear?
- A faith that knows He is God and that He cares.
- What kind of faith casts out fear?
- A faith that knows He is God and that He cares.
He used his Word and painful experiences to draw them close – to increase their faith and trust that He is God.
Sometimes God does not take away all of our problems and pain because He cares so much for us. He cares enough not to take it all away because, He knows the end result.
He is not shaping you so your face kind of resembles Jesus. He is shaping you so your entire life is a reflection of Jesus.
I dare to hope that even in this despair I meet the Lord, who weeps with me over those who’s pain is so unimaginable.
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