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Grace Church

Yes! We Will...  #3 - LIVE a lifestyle that Honors God and Helps People

Yes! We Will... #3 - LIVE a lifestyle that Honors God and Helps People

Healthy Christian - Healthy Church! During the months of April and May we'll look at seven commitments which will prepare us and our church family for the future.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

In our April/May series, "Yes! We Will...", we'll be looking at seven commitments which will prepare us and our church family for the future.
All of this leads to the thought that Healthy Chrisitans make a Healthy Church.
This past year we've seen a tremendous amount of change in our culture and personal lives. It's easy to get caught up emotionally in the hysteria that comes with the change. Radical and rapid change often brings apathy, anger, and alienation. There is a tendency to forget our past, disregard what is true, withdraw, and stop thinking strategically about the future.
In our series, we want to focus on the one person whose character never changes and who is a great source of stability as we move forward - God!
Psalm 46:1-3
Hebrews 13:8
In light of what the Bible teaches about God and His Son Jesus, we should be willing and wholeheartedly make the seven commitments that we are covering in this series.
The first week's commitment was to: STRIVE to be spiritually healthy
Last week's commitment was to: GROW in our faith and fellowship
A third commitment we need to make as a Healthy Christian and a Healthy Church is that: We will LIVE a lifestyle that Honors God and Helps People.
Live means to "experience and maintain...a certain character and conduct."
First we'll look at the phrase: Honors God
The word "honor" means to "admire and treat another with respect because of who they are and what they have done."
Honor has the sense of great value, price, or quality. Honor also implies that we seek to enhance the reputation of someone.
In the Bible we read that we are to honor our father and mother, the elderly, rulers, church leaders, and others who serve Christ faithfully. We also honor certain God-ordained institutions (Sabbath day, marriage).
Five general areas of our life in which we can honor God:
Head, Heart, Hands, Habits, and our Home.
Today we'll look at the first one, Head.
The way we think can honor or dishonor God.
1. Person of God (Isaiah 26:3)
2. Perspective of God (Romans 12:2a; Philippians 4:8)
3. Priorities of God (Colossians 3:2)

Table Discussion: How will you Honor God this week with your thoughts?
Second, we'll look at the phrase: Helps People
The word "helps" means "to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need."
The idea of helping people is taught, demonstrated, and illustrated with countless stories throughout the Bible.
Proverbs 19:17
Hebrews 13:16
1 John 3:17
How do we help people?
We'll look at a story in the Bible that teaches, demonstrates, and illustrates what it means to Help People.
Luke 10:30-35 The Story of the Good Samaritan

Table Discussion: How will you Help People this week?
This world is not our home and the life we live is not our own. Are you living a lifestyle that Honors God and Helps People?
Psalm 39:4-5

H.O.M.E. Group Info. and Sign-Up

CJ's Pre-Order Link

2021 Grace Church Bible Study Plan

Israel Study Tour 2022

Pastor Don will be leading a study tour May 4 -18 of 2022 in the land of Israel. The tour will include historical cities like Jerusalem, Tiberias, Nazareth, Samaria, Jericho and take in sites like the Dead Sea, Jordan River, and Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives and the garden of Gethsemane. There is a year's worth of preparation that is part of the discovery into the land where Jesus lived, died, and ascended into heaven. Therefore, we would like to know who might be interested in learning more about this opportunity.

Please email to be added to this group. You'll be contacted regarding an informational meeting later in April.

Grace U Classes May/June

Sign-up for a class at this link. Classes being offered are: Resolving Conflict, Youth Ministry, and Love Works.Coming soon: Here's Grace and S.H.A.P.E.

Grace Church Work Days

Grace Church work days begin on May 1st and take place each Saturday in May from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. If you can't join in on the fun during those times but have some time you'd like to lend, contact Ryan Hickey ( There is much to do to prepare the church property for summer - we hope you can join us!
Birthdays and Anniversaries:

Sunday, April 25 - Beverly Bowers, Josh Sensiba, Leif Godbey, Jarret & Rebecca Lyles
Monday, April 26 - Connie Berkimer, Haylee Sanchez, Corbin Hasselback
Tuesday, April 27 - Tracy Hickey
Thursday, April 29 - Dan Childs
Saturday, May 1 - Samantha Myers, Gary & Tracy Nelson